Cardiologist Korenevich explained when it is useless to take potassium and magnesium for the heart

When is Potassium Dangerous?

An excess of potassium in the blood is much more common than a deficiency, clarifies the cardiologist – for example with kidney failure, which is asymptomatic in the early stages.

– Please note that there potassium-sparing diuretics. Against the background of their intake, potassium may increase, therefore, the simultaneous administration of drugs with this microelement in such cases also can be dangerousthe doctor warns.

According to the expert, potassium can also increase when taking ACE inhibitors and sartans.

If you have hypertension and you are taking these medicines, then the likelihood that your potassium is normal or above normal is much greater, than the deficiency of this trace element, says Anna Korenevich.

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