[Valentine’s Day]A Hong Kong man with stroke and aphasia struggled to say two words to thank his wife for not giving up – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – Health – Health Information

A Hong Kong man suffering from a stroke suffers from aphasia. He struggled to say two words to thank his wife for her perseverance.

Today is Valentine’s Day, but not all couples can verbalize their love. Queen Elizabeth Hospital shared a case on its Facebook page “Yiyuantong” today. Mr. Liu, who suffers from aphasia, has lost the ability to express himself, but in order to express his deep love for his wife, Mr. Liu still struggled to pick up the flowers in his hand and tried to say the words “send…flowers”, although he was not fluent Express love, but the wife has understood.

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Iin Street“Sharing, Mr. Liu (pseudonym) had a stroke when he was regarding 60 years old, which damaged brain cells and affected language ability. After evaluation, he was diagnosed with aphasia. His comprehension ability is normal, but he has lost the ability to express himself in words. He can barely express his heart in single words. It is also very difficult to communicate with his family members in the early stage of the illness. Relatives have no way of understanding what Mr. Liu is thinking, which affects family relationships.

Cherry Ye, a speech therapist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital who was in charge of the case, pointed out that aphasia made Mr. Liu unable to speak and write complete sentences:

I know that he loves his wife very much, and I am very grateful to her for taking care of him. I really want to express his love for his wife, but his aphasia made him lose the ability to say I love you.

After Mr. Liu received rehabilitation training, he relearned language, reorganized sentences and matching words. Cherry put different objects in front of Mr. Liu and assisted Mr. Liu to match the corresponding words. During one of the treatments, Mr. Liu picked up the flowers in front of him and thanked his wife by saying “send… flowers” to his wife.

Cherry said that the process of treating aphasia requires patience: “The patient is a patient, so we must also be patient.” Aphasia patients are mainly caused by acquired brain lesions or trauma, including stroke, head trauma, and encephalitis. The speech therapist’s job is to build a new bridge for patients and teach them to express love to their families in different ways, including assessing the patient’s comprehension, expression, reading and writing skills, and designing a rehabilitation plan once more.

Yiyuantong also pointed out that there are 3 types of aphasia, namely “decreased expressive ability”, “decreased comprehension ability”, and “difficulty in understanding and expressing”. The following are 5 tips to help patients understand:

  • Pat or call the patient lightly before speaking;
  • The content is concise and the speech speed slows down;
  • Reduce environmental disturbances, such as turning off televisions;
  • Appropriate pauses allow patients to slowly understand;
  • If the patient fails to understand a sentence, try to use another word to express the same meaning.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin



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