Christian Levesque, international expert in ISO 37.001 and 37.000, anti-corruption management and governance at La Presse: “The fight against tax evasion requires a multidisciplinary approach”

The fight once morest tax evasion is an important issue for governments and tax authorities around the world. According to Christian Levesque, international expert in ISO 37.001 and 37.000, anti-corruption management and governance, there are measures and legislative provisions that can help prevent fraud.

What challenges does the digital economy pose for tax policies?

The digital economy poses many challenges for tax policies, due to the global and paperless nature of the digital economy. Here are some of the most important issues. First of all, there is international taxation, where companies can easily transfer their profits to countries with advantageous taxation, this makes it difficult to tax the profits generated by the activities. Also, companies may have activities in several countries, which complicates the determination of their tax residence. Also, the taxation of online transactions, ie online transactions can be difficult to tax due to the dematerialized nature of transactions and the lack of physical control over economic activities. Value-added taxation is also an issue, as digital companies can operate without having to pay value-added taxes in countries where they do not have physical establishments. Intellectual property income taxation where digital businesses can make significant profits from intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks and software, but can be difficult to tax. Importantly, these challenges are being addressed by governments around the world, who are working collaboratively internationally to develop fair tax policies for the digital economy.

Is fraud dangerous for businesses?

Yes, internal fraud can be a real scourge for businesses. Internal fraud occurs when a company employee or member of management abuses their position to steal money or property from the company. This can happen in various ways, such as falsification of documents, embezzlement, manipulation of accounts…

Internal fraud can cause serious damage to a business, including loss of revenue and reputation. Companies can also lose the trust of their customers, employees and shareholders. On top of that, internal fraud investigations can be expensive and time-consuming, which can also impact the business. It is therefore important for businesses to take steps to prevent internal fraud, such as implementing strong internal controls, training employees to detect fraud, and promoting transparency in business activities. Companies may also be advised to hire accountants, digital forensics and digital forensics lawyers to help them detect and prevent internal fraud.

What are the means available today to fight once morest tax evasion?

The fight once morest tax evasion is an important issue for governments and tax authorities around the world. Here are some effective ways to fight tax evasion. It is important to improve transparency, strengthen international cooperation, encourage whistleblowing, set up automated controls, train employees of tax authorities and foster cooperation between different government agencies. Ultimately, the fight once morest tax evasion requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines technology, training, cooperation and public participation.

Are there, in your opinion, precautions to be taken in order to circumvent falsification?

Yes, there are measures and legislative provisions that can help prevent fraud. Tax reporting laws may require taxpayers to report all income and pay any taxes owed. Governments can also impose penalties and penalties for taxpayers who do not report their income correctly or who do not pay taxes due. There is also the Tax Audits Act which may allow tax authorities to conduct investigations of taxpayers to detect tax evasion. Also, financial information laws may require companies and financial institutions to provide financial transaction information for tax purposes. Also, the Corporate Responsibility Act can impose penalties on companies that participate in tax evasion or fail to take the necessary steps to prevent tax evasion. Laws on international cooperation in tax matters can surely be a solution by obliging governments to exchange tax information with other governments to combat cross-border tax evasion. Laws and regulations can help prevent tax evasion by creating incentives for taxpayers to report their income correctly and pay taxes due, empowering tax authorities to detect tax evasion, and imposing penalties for fraudsters.

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To what extent does the fight once morest tax evasion require the use of new technologies?

The use of new technologies can be an effective means of combating tax evasion. New technologies can enable more accurate and faster collection and analysis of tax data, which can help tax authorities detect fraud more easily. For example, pattern recognition systems can be used to detect anomalies in tax returns and financial transactions, while machine learning algorithms can help identify potential fraud patterns. Additionally, new technologies can also help make tax filing processes more efficient and transparent, which can reduce the temptation for taxpayers to commit fraud. New technologies can also facilitate international cooperation in tax matters, by allowing tax authorities in different countries to share tax information quickly and efficiently. In conclusion, I would say that the use of new technologies can be a very useful tool in the fight once morest tax evasion, allowing tax authorities to detect fraud more effectively, to make tax processes more efficient and more transparent, and to strengthen international cooperation in tax matters.

How to increase synergies between the various administrative stakeholders in order to fight once morest fraud?

To strengthen the synergies between the different administrative levels once morest fraud, it is important to adopt a coordinated and integrated approach. Many measures can help achieve this goal. I would say that the sharing of information between the different administrative levels is crucial in the fight once morest fraud. Local, regional and national tax authorities may share information regarding potential fraudsters and methods of fraud. Inter-agency cooperation can be improved by encouraging coordination between different administrative levels to conduct tax investigations and develop fraud prevention strategies and training and education on the subjects. Technologies can also play a key role in the coordination between the different administrative levels.

Is fraud prevention within companies a collective mission?

Yes, preventing corporate fraud is a collective responsibility. Companies themselves have a responsibility to conduct legal and ethical business activities, but governments, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders also have an important role to play in fraud prevention. Governments can establish regulations to regulate business activities and strengthen control mechanisms to prevent fraud. Regulatory agencies can oversee business activities to ensure that they comply with established regulations. Employees, shareholders, suppliers and customers can report fraudulent activity and help prevent fraud. Furthermore, corporate fraud prevention can be enhanced through international cooperation, as tax evasion can often be cross-border and involve companies from different countries. Governments can work together to establish common regulations and strengthen cross-border control mechanisms to prevent fraud. Ultimately, preventing business fraud requires shared collaboration and responsibility from all parties involved. This requires a common understanding of the root causes of fraud and a collective will to act to prevent it.

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