English teacher was evaluated in public, but could not even respond to the greeting


Some took the event as amusing, while others expressed concern regarding the quality of local educators.


Being an educator is one of the professions that should be exercised with the greatest responsibility in the world, this is because depending on the quality of education provided to young people, this will be reflected in the society of the future.

An English teacher in Honduras went viral on social networks following the bear of her life passed following being evaluated, this in order to be able to enter an educational institution to teach classes to children. However, the test turned out in the worst way.

Professor IIbea was asked in English regarding what she liked to do at school as a teacher, that is, her favorite curricular activities. To which the teacher replied “I don’t know school, I’m a diploma student”.

The evaluator then asks him what grade level he would like to teach, but with his meager language resources he can barely answer: “Better teacher of my students, for a better profession”.

To close the disastrous presentation, the teacher was asked regarding the number of students to whom she was currently teaching. The applicant teacher replied “I am not a student, I have the job”.

As if it wasn’t enough in the end the teacher tries to argue her failures, blaming her interlocutor.

What I want to say is that I learned to speak English in a diploma course, but he learned it in a course”, sentenced the teacher.

The fact has generated a diversity of comments, some took the event as something funny, while others expressed concern regarding the quality of educators who are teaching classes in Honduran institutions.

A school teacher revealed to parents what her students tell her regarding their homes

The arrival of the pandemic changed the way students received their classes, because through technology they managed to advance in their education, but this meant that some families revealed their way of life. In addition, many teachers learned deeper details thanks to their pupils.

Although everything has returned to its usual way, it was not expected that even in person, teachers might know things that happen inside the homes of their students. This was made known by the teacher Marisel Hilerio Rivera, who, before handing over the grades of the children she is in charge of, told their parents that she “knew everything.”

You may not know it, Dad, but you and I are best friends. I know everything that happens in his house and I, look”making a gesture of silence.

The Puerto Rican, who is in charge of teaching the English class, assured that no parent can lie to her because if she does, she will find out and feel very offended, since she is the “most important person in your life following your children”.

In addition, he added: “What you eat, what you don’t eat, who you left, who you didn’t leave, who you fought with, if the neighbor talks to you, if the neighbor doesn’t talk to you, when you’re late for watching Netflix and He told me he went to bed when she went on vacation and told me she was sick. I know everything”.

Several attendees at the meeting commented that when they found out regarding this fact they were surprised, but that it had caused them a lot of grace and for that reason they came to talk with the teacher with a smile.

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