Dollar TODAY in Peru: exchange rate for this February 13 for buying and selling, according to BCR | Price of the dollar today | Dollars to soles | Ocona dollar | dollar price

Price of the dollar today, Monday, February 13, 2023, in Peruvian banks and the parallel market.

The price of dollar price todayMonday, February 13, is linked to the movements carried out daily by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR). In addition to this official information, we tell you what the exchange rate of the US currency for the buy and sell in financial institutions, money changers, online exchange houses and the Jr. Ocoña.

Dollar price today in Peru: minute by minute of the exchange rate

Poverty levels did not decrease in 2022

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Alex Contreras, during the presentation of the Con Punche Peru plan, pointed out that poverty in 2022 had no reduction as a result of inflation and the low progress of the economies. In this way, more than 8 million Peruvians would remain in a situation of vulnerability and poverty.

“In 2022, poverty will probably not be reduced due to the impact of higher inflation and lower growth. The objective of Impulso Perú and Con Punche Perú is to recover and boost the speed of growth of the Peruvian economy with specific interventions,” said the Minister of Economy and Finance.

How to identify fake dollars?

Dollar opens today’s session in S/. 3.8425

The price of the dollar today in Peru opens the day with a rise of S/3.8425, according to the Bloomberg portal.

What is buying and selling dollars?

The buy is the price at which they will buy the money you own. The sale is the value at which dollars will be given or sold to you. The amount varies according to the exchange house or financial institution where you carry out your operations.

Price of the dollar today February 13

The dollar starts trading today at S/3.83 for purchase and S/3.86 for sale, according to the portal how much is dó Photo: how much is the

Is Peru a good place to invest?

At LR+ Economía we spoke with Christian Aliaga, Daewoo’s Latam CEO, about investment expectations in Peru.

Video: The Republic

What factors influence the behavior of the dollar in Peru?

Two factors play a role. The first is the relationship that Peru has with the benchmark nation of the dollar, the United States. And the second is the expectation, which consists of “a feeling of risk”.

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According to UPC Finance professor Jorge Luis Ojeda, “when interest rates here are higher than in the United States, the exchange rate drops because it is more attractive to place money in soles, then (foreign) capital comes; but when the relationship is reversed, the dollar rises”.

What is the exchange rate?

The exchange rate is the price of the dollar in any country, which is divided into buying and selling, said Jorge Carrillo Acosta, an expert in Finance from Pacífico Business School.

What is the price of the dollar today in Peru?

According to the portal cuantoestá, the price of the parallel dollar in Peru It is quoted at S/3.83 for purchase and S/3.86 for sale. While the average in the banking market stands at S/3,853 for purchase and S/3,858 for sale.

It should be noted that in the session on Friday, the exchange rate closed at S/ 3,840, as reported by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).

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