“Kru Koi Natcha” shares secrets “sleep deeply, good hormones, easy to have children”

“Kru Koi Natcha” shares secrets “sleep deeply, good hormones, easy to have children”

Getting enough sleep Not only the hours of sleep that must be sufficient for 7-8 hours per day, but must also “sleep deeply”. Quality sleep starts at bedtime. Including a period of deep enough sleep. In which, getting enough sleep helps the brain function to work better. Balanced hormone secretion, thus increasing the chances of having children easier as well Including helping the immune system work well. In addition, following waking up, it makes you feel refreshed, in a good mood, with positive energy.

Teacher Koi Natcha

Teacher Koi – Natcha Loychusak, a science teacher who founded the page Babyandmom.co.th And a pregnancy preparation coach for infertility revealed that those preparing for pregnancy or infertility should sleep 7-8 hours a day, with data collected from UNC fertility, found that sleeping at least 7-8 An hour a day increases pregnancy rates by 25%, and for women undergoing medical procedures (IVF, ICSI), less than 7 hours of sleep is associated with a 17% decrease in success rates.

Teacher Koi Natcha

In addition, you should go to bed before 10 p.m. since 10 p.m. – 2 a.m. is the time when the brain produces growth hormone (Growth Hormone). This period of 30-60 minutes will help the brain to produce growth hormone better. to repair worn parts strengthen muscles Control the functioning of the brain system and all organs of the body. and enhancing the development of brain cells, controlling the function of many enzymes in the body to work efficiently And while sleeping, the brain also produces the hormone melatonin (Melatonin) that plays an important role as a good antioxidant for the body. To protect body cells including sperm and egg cells from free radicals. This substance melatonin is produced the most at night during deep sleep.

by “Kru Koi Natcha” cited data from a research study from Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Fertility published in the journal Current Sleep Medicine Report in 2016 that found that men and women have parts of the brain that control ejaculation. hormone cause sleep or wake, such as melatonin hormones (Melatonin Hormone) and cortisol (cortisol), also known as The “stress hormone” is the same part of the brain that stimulates the secretion of sex hormones. Therefore, luteinizing hormone that regulates ovulation in women and hormone that regulates sperm production in men are related to the quality of sleep. If you do not sleep well or deep sleep Problems with the secretion of melanonin will affect the secretion of Luteinizing Hormone or LH, a hormone that is secreted during ovulation. To wait for fertilization. LH is a hormone that is secreted during the ovulation of that menstrual cycle. If the LH hormone is abnormal, it will affect the irregular menstrual cycle. As a result, the egg does not fall or the egg falls unevenly. which is the cause of infertility itself And it also affects the production of sperm in men.

For men who sleep less or do not sleep well causes the creation of testosterone hormones (Testosterone) decreased, resulting in reduced sperm production. The sperm is abnormally shaped. abnormal movement and may have abnormal chromosomes If you sleep less than 5 hours a day and do not sleep soundly, the hormone melatonin (Melatonin Hormone) will decrease, cortisol levels will increase, growth hormone (Growth Hormone) will decrease. Less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours per day resulted in a 42% reduction in the chances of getting a partner pregnant each month.

Teacher Koi Natcha

There is also a study of Sleep Deprivation and Late Bedtime Impair Sperm Health Through Increasing Antisperm Antibody Production: A Prospective Study of 981 Healthy Men published in the journal medical science monitor 2017 with 981 Chinese men. Sleeping and staying up late affects the quality of sperm both in terms of number. movement percentage and sperm viability rate

In women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF, ICSI), deep sleep was associated with conception rates. increase the chances of success According to a study titled The poor quality of women’s sleep negatively influences fertilization rates in assisted reproductive technology published in the journal Fertility and Sterility in 2017, the study found that women without sleep problems had a higher rate of fertilization from retrieved eggs. was as high as 67.1%, while the group with sleep problems had a fertilization rate of 48.6% and the group with quality sleep had a embryo to blastocyst growth rate as high as 62.9. %

“Khun Koi Natcha” added that from insomnia problems for those planning pregnancy and infertility who follow the page Babyandmom.co.th Therefore, research has been conducted on natural extracts that help in deeper sleep. The study found that

“Amino acid PharmaGABA”, which is found in brown rice, unpolished rice, maintains balance in the brain, increases Alpha waves in the brain, causing relaxation. Against sleep disturbances caused by various conditions Makes deep sleep better In reference to a report from A.Yamatsu et al., 2015, a test in which participants took 100 mg of GABA 30 minutes before bedtime and EEG measurements showed that ingestion of GABA ( 100 mg of GABA reduced the duration of non-REM sleep latency by 5.3 minutes, helping to fall asleep more quickly and easily.

Teacher Koi Natcha

“L-Theanine, Gyokuro Gyokuro Green Tea Extract” is certified (GRAS) Generally recognized as safe. Certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FAD) that it can be added to food. Most GRAS certified buses do not have a limit on the amount of use. But will be used sparingly, according to GMP and has a research report from S. Kim et al., 2019, a study found that eating GABA (GABA) in combination with L-Theanine (L-Theanine) ) substances extracted from green tea It will reduce sleep latency and increase the duration of sleep, resulting in relaxation, deep and restful sleep. Compared to eating GABA (GABA) or L-Theanine (L-Theanine alone) And from the study also found that L-Glutamine, which is a precursor of GABA (GABA) that acts as a neurotransmitter Helps the brain to work efficiently Stimulate the secretion of growth hormones up to “4 times”, helping to sleep better and more refreshed when waking, reducing stress and preventing depression. Reduce muscle pain and regenerate muscle cells

“Blackcurrant The King of Berry family” that is rich in high vitamins, contains anthocyanin. This substance is what makes the fruit black. with antioxidants The free radicals directly affect the quality of sperm, egg cells and some obstetric and gynecological diseases. which results in infertility And it also reduces the success rate of using medical reproductive technology as well. It also has properties that help protect once morest heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia. Helps to nourish the eyes, relieve fatigue around the eyes and eye fatigue A research item from Akaishi & Colleagues from the University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan found that eating black currants that provide anthocyanin 50 mg or more. for a consecutive period of time Can help relieve fatigue due to using eyes for a long time and also helps the eyes to work better in the dark Helps improve peripheral blood circulation. (Cold hand-toe) helps reduce dullness around the eyes. Protects from stress that affects sleep quality. Makes sleeping more restful

“Pomegranate extract from pomegranate” contains melatonin, vitamin C, rich in potassium and folate (vitamin B9), helping to regulate sleep and wake cycles. and reduces anxiety which is a major cause of insomnia And in the pomegranate peel, there are ellaji tannin acids. It helps to reduce inflammation as well. The experiment found that such substances can inhibit the formation of nitric oxide. which causes hardening of blood vessels In the body that causes inflammation well Inflammation in the body affects infertility. A study published in the journal Reproductive Science in 2011 found that inflammation is one of the causes of obstetric disease. (Gyneological disease) in which inflammation (Inflammation) affects ovulation and hormone production and is also associated with endometrial hyperplasia. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cyst or uterine fibroids, ovarian dystrophy, premature menopause inferior egg cells and sperm cells and that the embryo does not implant or abortion in the early stages as well

“Black Grape” has benefits and properties. Many medications increase the hormone melatonin. Contains antioxidants that help slow down aging and increases the level of antioxidants in the blood in the human brain, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and simplifies the sleep process, helping to secrete the proper hormone melatonin.

“Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6)” plays an important role in converting the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin (Serotonin), a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps normalizes mood and sleep A report from the American Psychosomatic Society in the United States states that if receiving vitamin B6 from insufficient food May cause depression, irritability, mood swings.

“Vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12)” helps relieve difficult sleep. Waking up more often during the night reduces napping during the day. Help nourish the nerves. make the nervous system stronger Improves concentration, memory and balance, relieves irritability, reduces stress, promotes growth and increases energy for the body. Allows the body to use fats, proteins and carbohydrates properly. Contributes to reducing the risk of heart disease. Helps create red blood cells Prevent anemia as well.

“Kru Koi Natcha” also said that from the study it was found that people who take magnesium supplements, 250-500 milligrams of magnesium per day. will help you sleep well sleep faster than usual In which people who have difficulty sleeping may be due to the lack of magnesium in the body, reducing frequent awakenings in the middle of the night. Proper levels of magnesium in the body can help you sleep better and reduce stress. when the body lacks magnesium It affects the level of tension and worry, which in turn results in insomnia. and affects reproductive hormones A research paper, Low intakes of dietary fiber and magnesium are associated with insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovarian syndrome, published in the journal Food Science and Nutrition in 2019, suggests that Magnesium helps to balance hormones and normalize blood sugar levels. This high blood sugar level causes inflammation and worsens PCOS symptoms by increasing insulin resistance. resulting in persistent ovulation in females and cause a higher testosterone hormone

by infertile people who have insomnia problems If unable to adjust the sleep time by yourself Can choose to take supplements from natural extracts that collect extracts from Pharmagaba, L-Theanine (L-Theanine), L-Glutamine (L-Glutamine), Mac Nixia Amino Acid Chelate (Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate), Black Corant (Blackcurrant), Pomegranate Extract (Pomegranate Extract), Black Grape Extract, including Vitamins B6 and B12 all help improve sleep quality. to reduce unnecessary use of sleeping pills Can learn more details at https://www.babyandmom.co.th/all-products/night-shot- or consult regarding pregnancy preparation for infertility directly with Teacher Koi via Line add: @Babyandmom.co.th

Teacher Koi Natcha

Teacher Koi Natcha

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