They started an investigation in River for an alleged excess of capacity and the Monumental is exposed to a possible closure

Barely nine days after the closure of the Sur Alta tribune of La Bombonera due to excess capacity in the match of Mouth in front of Central Córdoba of Santiago de Estero, The fiscal celsa ramirezhighest authority of the Specialized Unit in Massive Events of the City of Buenos Aires, launched an investigation for the alleged same offense at the River stadium, during the game that last night the locals beat Argentinos 2 to 1. The two sectors that are being investigated are the Centenario Alta and the Sívori Alta, formerly popular and now stalls.

As the official explained to LA NACION, “Yesterday several actions were carried out due to omission of precautions, since it was detected that in two stands there was an excess of attendance, in addition to investigating the fall of a supporter from the stand”. In the same dialogue, he explained that during this Monday “evidence is being collected”, which includes the registration of the images from stadium cameras and expertise on computer systemswhich will determine if there really were more viewers than allowed.

If this presumption of excess capacity is confirmed, the Núñez club is exposed to a partial closure (as happened in the Bombonera a little over a week ago) of that sector of the stadium or to a finewhich ranges between 10,000 and 50,000 pesos, according to the norm.

The financial penalty could be doubled if it is found that disorders, crowds or avalanches occurred, or if the person charged as responsible is a member of the Board of Directors or the civil association organizing the massive sports event.

According to the information disseminated by the Núñez club on its social networks, there were 83,198 people in the match against Argentinosthe first in the renovated Más Monumental stadium since October 2022. Three new grandstands, 30 boxes, retractable and anti-vandalism seats, a new single tunnel and the fans barely separated from the substitutes’ bench, the main details of the work that make it the largest stadium in South America.

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The party had a couple of events that clouded it: a fan fell while trying to jump from the lower middle Sívori grandstand. He hit his head on the floor and after receiving medical assistance at the club, he was transferred unconscious to the Fernández Hospital, where his prognosis is reserved. Earlier, on the way to the Monumental, a sympathizer fell off the running board of the bus on the Panamericana, was run over by another bus and died instantly.

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