Asteroid hit Earth’s atmosphere this Monday morning: shocking images


The meteorite burned up upon entering the atmosphere.


As the European Space Agency had anticipated, during the early hours of this Monday, February 13, an asteroid the size of a meter in diameter crossed the atmosphere and provided a light show in the northern area of ​​France.

The asteroid, called Sar2667, entered the Earth’s atmosphere at 03:50 local time (21:50 Colombia) and also it might be seen by observers from northern France, Great Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Now, the experts are working to establish if any fragment of Sar2667 fell on Earth, so that they can carry out studies in this regard.

The European Space Agency announced that this meteorite was initially discovered by an observatory in Hungary and then by another in Croatia.

Later, Sar2667 was seen by eight observatories in total, which were able to determine up to 36 observations.

Regarding the above, another asteroid the size of a truck passed close to Earth on January 26 without causing danger, in one of the closest approaches ever recorded, space scientists reported.

At its closest, the rock came within just 2,200 miles (3,600 kilometers) of Earth’s surface, mmuch closer than many geostationary satellites orbiting the planet.

The rock was discovered on Saturday from an observatory in Crimea by amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov, who had already detected an interstellar comet in 2019.

Then dozens of sightings were made at observatories around the world, and NASA’s Scout impact risk assessment system quickly ruled out an asteroid impact on Earth, the space agency said.

Despite making few observations, Scout was able to predict that the asteroid would “come extraordinarily close to Earth,” said Davide Farnocchia, who helped develop the Scout system.

“In fact, this is one of the approaches closest known of an object to Earth ever recorded,” he added.

But even if the calculations had been wrong, humanity would have been safe, according to scientists.

The few meteorites that have made it to land are small, not like the huge blocks that destroy cities and cause tsunamis in the movies.

Its approach to Earth had a more lasting impact on the asteroid, according to NASA mathematicians.

They detect a small asteroid “by chance” with the James Webb telescope

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, European astronomers detected a previously unknown asteroid the size of the Colosseum in Rome. in the main asteroid belt between the planets Mars and Jupiter.

The asteroid, which measured between 100 and 200 meters in length, is the smallest object observed to date with that telescope, the US space agency Nasa said on February 6.

European astronomers “accidentally detected” the asteroid, NASA said in a statement, to add that more observations would be needed to better characterize its nature and properties.

The discovery occurred during the calibration of the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of the telescope, which operates at mid-infrared wavelengths.

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