Providing reproductive health and family planning services to 2.5 million women – Darb

The Ministry of Health and Population announced the provision of family planning and reproductive health services to 2,865,888 beneficiaries through 5 campaigns and 104 convoys launched during 2022, as part of the “Our Days Are Better” initiative to raise the level of knowledge and information, and access to the best and safe services for family planning. and reproductive health.

Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that family planning, health and reproductive services were provided to 441 thousand and 72 new beneficiaries, pointing out that convoys and awareness and service campaigns are being implemented for direct mass communication in an unconventional way, to spread the concept of family development and its impact on the health of mother and child and provide access to Safe family planning services through fixed and mobile clinics to increase the demand for family planning services.

Abdul Ghaffar added that 520 seminars were held on the sidelines of the initiative’s activities, on the risks of frequent, close, early and late pregnancies, the benefits of spacing between births, correcting misconceptions regarding family planning, responding to inquiries and questions regarding the concept and return of modern family planning methods and methods of use, as well as discussing The problems of illiteracy, the risks of early marriage and dropout from education, and the empowerment of women.

For his part, Hossam Abbas, Head of the Population and Family Planning Sector, indicated that the initiative has begun to be launched in departments with low population indicators, according to the indicators of the National Population Council, targeting the most needy villages affiliated with the Decent Life Initiative, and new areas that attract employment and new urban communities beside industrial areas.

Abbas added that weeks (Our Family is Perfect) were implemented to cover the governorates, in conjunction with campaigns and specialized reproductive health convoys through mini-seminars in villages, targeting men under the slogan (Men’s Words), and women (housewives) under the slogan (Whisper to your health), and a meeting For mothers-in-law under the slogan (My mother-in-law is my life), meetings for working women of childbearing age (My organization!!), and meetings for young people under the slogan (Our family is perfect), indicating that awareness-raising activities are being implemented in civil societies and the mayor’s roundregarding, and for recruits in camps, government agencies, factories, companies and schools Secondary schools (boys – girls), youth centers, sports clubs, institutes and universities.



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