the key to improving cognitive abilities.

Physical exercise has protective effects once morest neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. But what type of physical activity has the most positive effect on cognitive abilities? A recent study addressed this question. The results were published in the scientific journal Journal of the Epidemiology and Community Health.

What are the links between cognitive abilities and physical exercise?

Sport and physical activity have proven beneficial effects on:

  • The sleep ;
  • Mood;
  • Cognitive functions.

It remains to be determined which type of physical activity has which effect and by which mechanisms. Currently many studies in neuroscience to explore the mechanisms capable of explaining the link between physical activity and brain function. This link is a major challenge for the prevention and management of all pathologies that affect their neurons and cognitive abilities.

In this context, researchers have recently focused on the relative effect of different behaviors on cognitive functions:

  • Physical inactivity ;
  • Moderate to intense physical activity;
  • Light physical activity;
  • The sleep.

From a sedentary lifestyle to intense physical activity!

For this study, the researchers included in their study 4,481 Britons (52% of them women), who at the age of 46 agreed to wear an accelerometer and perform cognitive tests (verbal memory and executive function) . The results obtained showed that time spent practicing moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity compared to time spent being sedentary, practicing light-intensity activity or sleeping was associated with better cognitive abilities. This association remained significant following adjusting the data for level of education or the practice of physical activity at work. In contrast, the association was less significant when adjusting for data on participants’ health status.

The theoretical analysis of the data thatin between 7 and 10 minutes of sedentary time replaced by another behavior had a positive impact on cognitive functions. The most cognitively interesting activity turned out to be moderate to intense physical exercise.

Exercise to stimulate and protect your brain

These data suggest the importance of moderate to intense physical activity practiced regularly to strengthen one’s cognitive abilities and therefore prevent cognitive decline. Every minute of this activity counts and should be preserved. It is therefore not only sport that is beneficial, but above all sport practiced with moderate to intense intensity. Of course, physical activity must be done while respecting the person’s state of health and physical condition.

Sport is a real asset for the brain: it increases the volume of gray matter; it promotes the formation of neurons and the vascularization of nervous tissue; and it contributes to the release of endorphins and endogenous opiate neurotransmitters that provide a feeling of well-being, well known to athletes. And finally, sport protects memory and learning. The brain therefore needs to have enough sport on the menu!

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


– Exploring the associations of daily movement behaviours and mid-life cognition Accessed January 30, 2023



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