Innovation: Ideas to help the blind? Take part in the 9th “White cane” competition


Ideas to help the blind? Take part in the 9th “White cane” competition

Companies, organizations and individuals are called upon to propose innovative projects to make the world of sighted people more accessible to blind people.


Accompany a blind person in his jogging, an idea presented in a previous competition.


Sweaters or cell phones with surfaces that allow blind people to “read” a message by touching it; assistants who accompany them while they jog: these are some of the innovations that have already been presented in the “White cane” competition organized by the Swiss Central Union for the Good of the Blind (UCBA).

UCBA is now seeking for the 9th time ideas that can enable people who are visually impaired, blind, deafblind or those with hearing and/or visual impairments to participate as much as possible in social and community life.

Attract the public’s attention

The competition aims to draw public attention to the concerns of the visually impaired. Innovations of all kinds are sought, whether in the technical or electronic field or even publications from the fields of medicine, social policy or the humanities. Exceptional assignments are also popular.

The key: the prestigious “Prix de la Canne blanche”, a bronze statue. “The last winner, l’application CFF inclusivehas received great recognition from the public thanks to this award, which has allowed the project to be developed”, explains Nina Hug from UCBA.

Everyone who has ideas for helping the blind is therefore invited to participate, including companies and organisations. Interested? Register your project now and until March 28 on the UCBA website. A jury, of which 20 minutes is a part, will select three finalists. The 20 minutes community will then participate in the election of the winner. The prize will be awarded on September 19 at the theater in Olten.

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