The comedian was drugged, the 6-year-old boy still between life and death


Star comedian with a tumultuous career, Pierre Palmade was very seriously injured on Friday evening in the Paris region during a road accident in which four other people were involved.

According to an article Paris Match France of Writing

What happened ?

Friday, February 10 at 6:45 p.m., the actor and director, aged 54, was driving a Peugeot 3008 vehicle, on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne, near the forest of Fontainebleau, when an accident has occurred. According to a police source, he was traveling on the D372 from Perthes and in the direction of Dammarie-les-Lys when he would have deported in the full straight line on the left lane “for no apparent reason”. That’s when he hit a vehicle coming from the front, a Renault Megane in which there were three people. A few moments following the collision, a third vehicle with only one person on board, a Renault Twingo, which was traveling in the same direction as the second, hit the latter.

Read also> Pierre Palmade seriously injured in a road accident was under the influence of drugs

What is the state of health of the people involved?

  • Pierre Palmade was driving a Peugeot 3008 when the accident took place. According to a press release from the comedian’s family, sent to AFP on Saturday, the comedian was admitted in serious condition to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital. ” He was placed in intensive care. His days are no longer in danger this morning “, can we read. According to a police source, he is suffering from a pneumothorax, and possibly from head trauma and internal bleeding.
    • On board the Renault Megane, which was coming the other way, were a 40-year-old man (at the wheel), as well as two passengers: a 27-year-old pregnant woman and a 6-year-old boy.
      The driver was transported by helicopter to Beaujon hospital in Clichy. His vital prognosis is still engaged, announced The ParisianSunday, February 12.
    • The 7-month pregnant passenger was also transported by helicopter. She is treated in the same hospital as Pierre Palmade, in Kremlin-Bicêtre. We learned on Saturday followingnoon that she had lost the baby she was carrying, according to a press release from the public prosecutor Jean-Michel Bourles. And his days are no longer in danger.
    • The six-year-old child, who is the son of the driver, was transported by road to Necker hospital in Paris. During the impact, he would have been ejected from the car and he would suffer from a cranial trauma and multiple contusions. His vital prognosis is still engaged this Sunday.
  • It is an 86-year-old man who was driving the Renault Twingo. He was transported to the Melun hospital center for minor injuries.

Who is at fault?

According to the first elements of the investigation, it seems that Pierre Palmade is responsible for the accident. The comedian would have swerved to the left during a straight line and would have hit almost frontally the Renault Megane which was coming in the other direction. His vehicle has made a sharp swerve which brought him onto the opposite roadway with an almost frontal impact with an oncoming car, seriously injuring three people who were there, a police source confirmed to AFP. Extracts from the 20 hours of France 2 testify to the violence of the collision. The Peugeot 3008 and the Renault Megane have been reduced to carcasses. Relatives of the comedian think of the people affected during this accident and await reassuring news ”, according to their statement expressed.

Were two individuals in Pierre Palmade’s car?

Witnesses told police they observed two people “ twenty years old aboard Pierre Palmade’s vehicle. They are said to have fled following the collision and are being actively sought.

Pierre Palmade was under the influence of narcotics

Narcotic blood and alcohol samples were taken. The results of toxicological analyzes showed that the comedian was positive for cocaine and substitution drugs. According The Parisian, additional analyzes carried out on Saturday made it possible to establish that the drug taking was very recent. ” A witness declared to the gendarmes to have seen Pierre Palmade consuming narcotics in the followingnoon of Friday with two young people. On the other hand, the alcohol test turned out to be negative, and the absorption of substitute products impossible to date. », Notes the Ile-de-France daily. BFM TV argued that Pierre Palmade had been partying for more than 24 hours in his house in Dammarie-les-Lys and that he wanted “ go buy food with two of his party companions “. During these festive hours, he would have injected various drugs “, in particular of the “chemsex” type. The alcohol test was negative.

What regarding the investigation?

A manslaughter investigation has been opened following the collision. The comedian faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros.



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