Pay attention to it.. 6 signs that your child suffers from an anxiety disorder

Some children suffer from anxiety disorder, resulting from what they encounter during their day, from fear of punishment or harassment from their classmates, and other things that they are frequently exposed to, which affects their mental health negatively, and may develop into a psychological problem that haunts them.

While children may not be able to express what they are feeling or what they are going through, their body is giving off signs that they are going through an anxiety attack.

Signs of anxiety disorder in children

Parents can pay attention to some of the physical signs that announce that their child is suffering from an anxiety disorder, and these signs Deirdre Kehoe, CEO of Anxiety UK specializing in mental health, explains the signs of a child suffering from anxiety as follows.

sleep disturbance

Anxious children suffer from a disturbance in their sleep, and they are removed from disturbing dreams during the night. One of the signs of anxiety in sleep is also the frequent urination of the child on his bed during his sleep.


If the child seems more irritable than usual or less able to adapt in the environment that he deals with, then the reason may be that he suffers from anxiety, and among its indications is a feeling of tension or anger quickly.

physical problems

Children with an anxiety disorder have physical symptoms throughout their illness, including feeling tired and weak, stomach cramps, diarrhea and dizziness.

Lack of focus

If you notice that your child suffers from a lack of focus when performing a certain task, he may be facing psychological pressure because of something he is worried regarding.

Low self-confidence

The child has lower self-confidence and is more likely to withdraw, and if he seems to lack confidence or feel distressed, this may be a sign that he needs some help.

Changing the child’s eating habits

Children automatically start to change their eating habits when they feel anxious. When they get anxious, they may lose their appetite or overeat when they are not hungry, and that is when they need help.

How to overcome anxiety attacks in children

Children’s anxiety attacks can be overcome by following the advice provided by psychologist Deirdre Kehoe, as it was decided that discussing anxiety with children is a difficult issue, and they may face many difficulties at first in order to talk regarding what they are facing.

The Independent newspaper quotes Kehoe as saying: If your children tell you regarding something, listen to them carefully without making any judgments regarding how they feel, and tell them that it is okay to feel some fear or anxiety, and try to reassure them in a way that is appropriate for their age, and remember that you You don’t need to know all the answers, but talking regarding things helps them feel calmer.

Kehoe suggests that parents search for ways to help their children who suffer from anxiety feel calm, including practicing meditation sports, and adds that if parents believe that their child needs support from specialists, then they should resort to a doctor, who will help treat the child properly. Salim.



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