Why do we go straight to the bathroom after drinking coffee? Scientists have the answer

After going to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee, you are used togo to the toilet. This is not the result of chance but one of the consequences of the absorption of caffeine on the body. Scientific studies on the effects of coffee demonstrate this. We explain why.

The benefits of coffee on the body

From the XVIIIe centurycoffee drinkers (mainly nobles and intellectuals) used this beverage to stay awake et treat their headaches. This is also, beyond the taste, the main reason why coffee lovers drink it. According to the European Food Safety Authority, an intake of 100 mg of caffeine (15 cl of filter coffee) is sufficient to produce this effect.

Another effect, more unexpected this one: the fight against depression. Several studies show a lower risk of depression in coffee drinkers. A recent study conducted on 10,177 people in South Korea, aged 20 to 97, found that those who drank at least three cups per day were almost twice as likely to develop depression.

The effects of coffee on the intestines

In an interview conducted by the Belgian daily The last news, the gastroenterologist Diederik Dooremont explique: “Several studies comparing regular coffee, decaffeinated coffee, water and a fiber-rich meal prove that coffee stimulates digestion of our food ». Let’s add that coffee stimulates colon mobilityas well as the production of stomach acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes.

The expert indicates « The composition of coffee is highly dependent on the roasting of the bean, which produces substances such as chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. Among other things, these substances activate muscle cells smoothness of the intestinal wall. »

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Why do we go to the bathroom after a cup?

caffeine causes plexus stimulation, the network of nerves that lies between the two main muscle layers of our colon. When nerve cells secrete calcium, muscle fibers contract. And caffeine causes an increase in these muscle contractions.

In addition to the effects of caffeine on the intestines, coffee also contains soluble fiber. They increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines, which promotes flora development intestinal and therefore transit. So many reasons why we often go to the toilet after having a coffee.

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