Strange flashing green beams swept across Hawaii’s skies: The origin of these captured laser lights

Huge lines were seen and filmed in the Hawaiian sky on January 28, 2023.

Bright, flashing green beams were captured by the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii’s highest peak, on Jan. 28

The telescope which belongs to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is placed in such a way that the view is unobstructed on the sky which allows it to take exceptional images.

Result: the shots captured are impressive and intriguing, it looks like a science fiction film.

Laser lights that scan the Earth

These flashing beams actually come from a NASA satellite. Called ICESat-2, this satellite thus fired lasers at the Earth in order to carry out measurements allowing it to collect data on the evolution of glaciers and clouds due to climate change.

These readings are possible thanks to an altimeter which can trigger up to 10,000 laser pulses per second thus striking a distance of 0.7 m from the Earth. A proper scan of our planet.

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