‘Hogwarts Legacy’ PS Exclusive Quest Experience, ‘Hogssmith’ and the Ghost’s Secret |

In ‘Hogwarts Legacy’, which is currently released in PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC versions, there is a period exclusive quest for PS version users. The main character is a quest related to the ‘Haunted Hogsmith’s Shop’, which exists in the ‘Hogsmith’ village that users will visit most often, except for Hogwarts. .

※ This review contains some spoilers for the exclusive quest.

This quest can be carried out when winter comes to Hogwarts following progressing through the main storyline in the game at least a certain point, and can be started through the quest “Take care of your business” that appears in Hogsmeade at that point. .
If you receive a quest from the house elf guarding the front of the store, the protagonist will receive a proposal to run a mysterious empty store that the store’s tenants keep giving up.

news/photo/202302/209101_220179_1553.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 유령, 매번 운영을 포기하는 임차인들, 키워드만으로도 이곳이 정상적이지 않다는 것을 금새 알 수 있다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ Ghosts, tenants who give up their operations every time, it is easy to know that this place is not normal with just keywords
news/photo/202302/209101_220180_1619.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 퀘스트 내에서는 개발진이 상당량 공을 들였다는 것을 알 수 있는 시시각각 변화하는 내부 구조와 디테일을 확인할 수 있다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ Within the quest, you can see the ever-changing internal structure and details that show that the development team has put a lot of effort into it.

Afterwards, if 1,500 galleons are paid to the mysterious witch who owns the store, users will dig into the dark secrets hidden in the store in earnest.
The progress of the quest is done by breaking through the puzzle dungeon in a unique space that changes every moment and confronting the culprit behind it.

news/photo/202302/209101_220181_1632.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 퍼즐 자체의 난이도가 매우 높은 편은 아니나, 앞서 언급한 내부 구조 변화가 이용자들에게 혼동을 유발한다는 점이 특징이다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ Although the difficulty of the puzzle itself is not very high, it is characterized by the fact that the aforementioned internal structure change causes confusion among users.
news/photo/202302/209101_220182_1644.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 원흉의 정체는 '폴터가이스트'로 언급된다. 세계관 속 유령과는 사뭇 다른 존재의 일종으로, 대표적인 폴터가이스트로는 호그와트의 '피브스'가 있다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ The identity of the culprit is referred to as ‘Poltergeist’. It is a kind of being quite different from the ghosts in the world, and the representative poltergeist is Hogwart’s Peeves.

First of all, the puzzle part is mainly composed of gimmicks that require active use of Asio and Wingardium Leviosa, and a mysterious and bleak atmosphere, such as upside down or wooden dolls following the main character, decorates the whole.
As the completeness of the puzzle and dungeon design is very good, if you are enjoying the game with the PS version, it is recommended that you do not miss the quest.

news/photo/202302/209101_220184_1719.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 해당 퀘스트 내에서만 등장하는 적과 보스 몬스터도 존재한다. 다만, 보스전 연출을 특색있게 짜놨음에도 패턴은 결국 트롤과 같다는 점은 아쉬움이 남는다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ There are also enemies and boss monsters that appear only within the quest. However, it is regrettable that the pattern is the same as that of a troll in the end, even though the boss fight was specially designed.
news/photo/202302/209101_220185_1724.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 가게와의 볼 일을 마쳤다면 이제 그 모든 원흉인 악한 마녀를 다시 찾을 시간이다. 정의의 마법사로서 당당하게 용서받지 못할 저주를 구사해 못된 집주인을 혼내주자." width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ Once you’ve finished your business with the store, it’s time to find the evil witch who is the culprit behind it all. As a wizard of justice, use unforgivable curses confidently to punish the wicked landlord.

After breaking through all the puzzles, you can directly face the poltergeist ‘Pastidio’, one of the culprits of this situation, and proceed with the boss battle. Subsequently, if the owner of the store, the witch, wins, the protagonist can officially become the owner of the store.
As a benefit of running a shop, you are given the benefit of selling your own items at a 10% higher price. Although it is not a big benefit at the time of playing the quest, it is evaluated that the completion of the quest is so good that it is worth playing just by playing.

news/photo/202302/209101_220186_1736.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ 안그래도 할 일이 많은 주인공에게 호그스미드 가게 주인이라느 또 한가지 역할이 생겼다. 다행인 점은 해당 가게는 집요정이 운영해준다는 점이다." width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ The main character, who has a lot of work to do, has another role as the owner of Hogsmeade. Fortunately, the store is run by a house elf.
news/photo/202302/209101_220187_1817.jpg?resize=600%2C338&ssl=1" alt="▲ '주인공이 들여온 물건은 무엇이든지 판다'가 설정상 가게의 콘셉트로, 게임 내에서는 장비 아이템을 여타 가게보다 10% 더 높은 금액에 매입해준다" width="600" height="338" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
▲ The concept of the store is ‘selling whatever the main character brings in’, and in the game, equipment items are purchased at a 10% higher price than other stores.

Meanwhile, the quest will be provided exclusively to PS version users for a one-year period. ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ is scheduled to release PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch versions on July 25, respectively on April 4, and users other than the PS version can play the quest from February 10, 2024.



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