How is the health of the trans comedian Camila Spears

What happened to the trans comedian Camila Spears

The artist was seriously injured with trauma and was admitted to the intensive care room of the Hospital San Bernardoin a delicate state, following a confusing event of which no further details are known.

The criminal prosecutor of the Femicide Unit, Mónica Poma, who ordered the arrest of Maza’s couple, Luis Martínez, 34, whom she provisionally charged as the perpetrator of the crime of attempted homicide qualified by the couple relationship and mediate gender violence.

The victim’s family and community LGBTIQ+ They ask that it be investigated as an attempted transvesticide. Martínez gave a statement accompanied by an official defender, and gave his version of the facts.

Then, the prosecutor requested that he be kept deprived of his liberty while the investigation of the case continues, with the intervention of personnel from Criminalistics and the Investigation Unit of the Fiscal Investigation Corps (CIF).

The hospital doctor explained that during the week they had managed to remove the respirator from the victim, but following 24 hours “we had to reconnect her”, while detailing that “it opens its eyes and mobilizes its limbs, but he still needs sedative medication, in low doses.”




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