Why cheese gives canker sores and how to avoid them?

If every time you eat cheese you have the unpleasant surprise of seeing a mouth ulcer appear in your mouth, we give you some tips to avoid this kind of inconvenience!

What is a canker sore?

L’aphte buccal is a small ulcer located in the mouth, usually not serious. This painful condition – even disabling – would be due to a blood vessel which is clogged thus creating ulceration. Often located on oral mucous membranes (under the tongue, inside the lip, on the cheeks, at the tip of the tongue or on the palate), mouth ulcers manifest themselves in the form of a small, slightly whitish and very sensitive red spot.

What are the causes of the appearance of a mouth sore?

THE causes of canker sores still remain, at the present time, rather vague. However, some factors like hereditystress, fatigue and even stopping smoking are triggers appearance of canker sores. An iron or vitamin B12 deficiency can also promote their appearance. Food therefore plays an important role in the appearance of canker sores, especially if you eat fruits such as bananas, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, peppers, chocolate, sausage skin, fruits dry and of course the cooked pasta cheeses.

Which cheese causes canker sores?

Cheeses can therefore cause canker sores. Especially cooked pasta cheeses such as Gruyère, Parmesan, Comté, Gouda, Tomme, Abondance or Beaufort. And to increase the chances tenfold, these cheeses are often associated with dried fruits and nuts… except that consuming these 3 foods at the same time increases the risk of seeing a mouth ulcer appear tenfold! If we are subject to mouth soresit is better to eat soft cheeses such as camembert, brie, saint marcellin, maroilles or even munster. Indeed the latter would not be involved in the appearance of mouth sores.

Why does cheese cause canker sores?

Again, the reasons remain quite mysterious, but the ferments contained in cooked cheeses and their rinds would be the culprits. Consuming this type of food would then trigger a localized inflammatory reaction. Each person has their own sensitivity for each category of food, but a scientific study1 succeeded in making the link between the appearance of mouth sores and certain food allergies or intolerances.

How long does a canker sore last?

Don’t worry, they end up recover spontaneously following 1 to 2 weeks for the most recalcitrant. If following 15 days, the mouth ulcer remains painful, it is preferable togo see a doctor !

If the discomfort is too great and the severe pain to be endured on a daily basis, small local treatments can provide relief: anesthetic gel, salt water gargles, aspirin mouthwash, application of an ice cube on the mouth ulcer. We have selected a few products for you to relieve the pain associated with canker sores.

1 Canker sores and chronic aphtosis, Pascal EPPE and Dr Georges Mouton



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