He wanted to adjust the credit card limit and attach a proof of assets, but was returned. He used “1 method” to ask the bank to apologize | Life | CTWANT

A male netizen said that he wanted to upgrade a credit card that had been used for nearly 30 years with a limit of only 70,000 yuan, but was returned following attaching a proof of assets. (Schematic / Pexels)

Many people have applied for credit cards, and the plans and regulations of each company are different. A male netizen said that he wanted to upgrade a credit card that had been used for nearly 30 years with a limit of only 70,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, it was returned following attaching a certificate of assets totaling more than 15 million yuan. Then he decided to make up a new one. The gunpowder-flavored text picture made the bank customer service call to apologize immediately the next day.

The original PO posted on the Facebook group “Burning Grudge Commune” that he has a credit card that he has used for nearly 30 years with a limit of only 70,000 yuan. Because of his habit, all online payments are bound with this card. The automatic deduction has not yet arrived, and the amount is not enough to pay a large amount of money, I want to say that it is better to adjust the amount.” Afterwards, he attached the asset certificates that totaled more than 15 million yuan, but the documents were returned and he was asked to make up other proof of financial resources.

However, upon seeing this, the original PO did not follow the instructions of the other party. Instead, he was so angry that he put up a picture with a red background and white borders that smelled like gunpowder. I was returned by you. I was too lazy to set up other credit cards, but now I spent some time to bind another bank, and I also know that you have no shortage of customers! But I am happy.” As a result, the bank customer service immediately called him the next day to apologize, Said that there is no need to make up any more documents, and he responded in the same way, “No need.”

As soon as the post came out, there was heated discussion. Some netizens said, “I have to ask you to reduce the credit limit, because I am afraid that the card will be stolen and lost.” 70,000 yuan tops the sky”, “I don’t understand, is the 5 million yuan deposit fake? How can it be impossible”, “There are so many banks, there is really no need to wrong yourself”.

At the same time, some netizens pointed out, “If you want to use a large amount of money, you can prepay in advance, and you can still enjoy the right to swipe your card. If you don’t have enough credit to increase the amount, you can use an equal deposit certificate as a pledge. Credit cards are very easy to use, and it is a great financial management tool to use within your means.” , “Deposits are useless, you need a fixed salary to be able to pay”, “The mortgage specialist told me before that banks look at fixed income, such as salary, so even if you have tens of millions of deposits, but no fixed income, you may won’t pass”.



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