Who are affected by the CEE premiums?

Industrialized countries are obliged by the Kyoto Protocol to put in place concrete measures to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions. France has adopted certain systems which have been in force for several years, such as the Energy Saving Certificates or CEE. What are they and who are they for?

What are the Energy Saving Certificates or CEE?

ESCs are energy saving certificates granted by the State to energy suppliers (gas, electricity, oil or other). They justify the role they play in achieving the objectives of reducing energy consumption,… set by the State. The procedures for allocating CEEs have been in place since July 13, 2005 in accordance with the POPE law on energy. In principle, to be able to benefit from it, the actors of the energy sector must themselves achieve objectives during a given period. They must justify their involvement in the fight once morest overconsumption of energy. To do this, CEE bonuses were introduced.

What are CEE premiums?

CEE premiums, which are also called Energy premium, are financing granted by energy suppliers to owners, tenants or occupants free of charge so that they carry out work relating to the reduction of their energy expenditure. The works in question must improve the living conditions of the people concerned without increasing their energy consumption. Energy suppliers accumulate the EEC bonuses they have granted to constitute proof of this to be presented to the State in order to obtain EEC certificates. Each energy supplier has a CEE quota to achieve and failure to meet this quota is liable to significant penalties.

The different types of CEE premium and their amounts

Two CEs are currently granted, namely the standard CEE bonuses and the CEE “boosting” bonuses. They cannot be combined for the same renovation work and they concern accommodation located in mainland France that meets the following criteria:

  • Excluding DOM TOM and Corsica
  • Main or secondary residence
  • Housing completed for more than 2 years at the time of the start of the works. A date to be proven by the signing of a contract, a down payment or other.
  • Apartment or detached house type accommodation

The amount of a CEE bonus varies according to each energy supplier and according to the applicant’s income. The standard CEE premium varies from €90 to €900 while the ” boost can reach 2,500 to 4,000 €.

How to recover the CEE Premium?

Each energy supplier has its own way of granting the CEE bonus: free services, bonus cheque, gift cards, etc. It is best to inquire with the services concerned before embarking on the renovation work. Moreover, not all work relating to energy consumption is automatically subsidized by the energy supplier under the CEE scheme. Generally, you have to apply for an energy bonus. On this point, know that you are not obliged to choose your own energy supplier for the CEE bonus.

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