Kim Wan-seon’s shocking confession, 0 won for his aunt’s gaslighting |

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Photo┃Channel A variety show ‘Oh Eun-young’s Gold Counseling Center’

[STN스포츠] Reporter Lee Sang-wan = Singer Kim Wan-seon confessed to his aunt, who was his manager, that he had not received a single penny of his income for 13 years.

Kim Wan-seon appeared on Channel A’s entertainment program ‘Oh Eun-young’s Gold Counseling Center’, which aired on the 10th, and summoned memories that were difficult because of her aunt, ‘Han Baek-hee’, who had been with her as a manager for 13 years. He said, “Hairstyle, wearing clothes, I ignored everything I said I liked. That was the hardest.

He continued, “My aunt thought that at the age of 20, if I listened to my story at that point, she might not listen to me, so I didn’t even give her the slightest chance. I was dragged into life with no reward or passion for music,” he recalled.

Kim Young-seon, Kim Wan-seon’s younger sister, said, “My aunt never brought her sister home once or twice a year. He said, “he said regarding the unusual behavior of his aunt, who tried to thoroughly cut off Kim Wan-seon from his family.

Kim Wan-seon said, “I work from early morning until dawn, but there is no money. There has been no settlement for 13 years. In the beginning, even if the investment cost went in, it continues to go, but I mightn’t say a word to my aunt.” In response, Kim Young-sun said, “My mother went to find (money), but there was a bankbook in her sister’s name. My aunt showed me the bankbook and reassured me, but later I found out (she used all the money) that it was not there. At the time, there was no real name system. To my parents, ‘ Aren’t you too ignorant?’ but he said, ‘I believed you’.”

Kim Wan-sun worked as a singer from 1986 to 1998 and is known to have earned more than 10 billion won annually. However, Kim Wan-sun confessed on the air that his real aunt did not distribute his profits to Kim Wan-sun and spent the money to pay off her husband’s debt.

Jeong Hyeong-don, who was listening to the story, was surprised and said, “Isn’t this enough of gaslighting?” Dr. Oh diagnosed, “You have to see it as such. He strengthened his dominance through the situation. He exercised psychological control through excessive control. (Kim Wan-seon) was under a manager like a dictator.” When Jeong Hyeong-don asked how her current relationship with her aunt was, Kim Wan-seon said, “She passed away in 2006,” and said that she broke up with her aunt because she mightn’t resolve her feelings.

In response to Dr. Oh’s question, “It wouldn’t have been easy to break up, but how did you do it?” Kim Wan-sun said, “I didn’t even have the courage to say that I wouldn’t work with my aunt. It was,” he said. Kim Wan-seon confessed that his self-esteem was running low, and he even trained himself to forget his memories following he became an adult so as not to think of him due to frequent conflicts with his aunt.

Dr. Oh said, “I’m thinking regarding things I don’t want to think regarding. I’m emotionally exhausted and I still haven’t recovered. I even trained myself to forget my memories as a defense mechanism to protect myself. However, I have to face the painful memories of the past to become my life and train engine, have a good influence, and go to a better life without making mistakes. I think it is important to take out memories and face them, even if it is painful.”

Article = Provided by Newsis

STN Sports = Reporter Lee Sang-wan



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