Jackie Chan visits Duong Mich, suddenly the “special” 20-year relationship of “big brother” and little flower

The latest image of Jackie Chan when he appeared on the set of Yang Mi caused a fever.

Recently, a new photo of the film crew suddenly appeared online There’s nothing a hot pot can’t solve. Accordingly, Duong Mich is the female lead of this work. Surprisingly, in the photo of the film crew, there was the appearance of Jackie Chan. There was news that he came here to visit the little flower of Cbiz.

In the photo, Jackie Chan stands next to Duong Mich. He wears a warm coat, glasses and especially his hair has been dyed a youthful, prominent brown. Jackie Chan smiled gently when facing the camera.

Jackie Chan suddenly appeared in this photo.

Beside Jackie Chan, Duong Mich is impressed with his small face and short wig to his shoulders. She looks like a doll. Many people are quite startled with the current face of the little flower Cbiz. She looks really different from the previous pictures.

Jackie Chan to visit Duong Mich?

Have project information There’s nothing a hot pot can’t solve officially opened on 8/2 last. Photographs of the scene were also revealed. The appearance of Jackie Chan in this photo made many people think that he had just visited Duong Mich and taught martial arts for the film.

Picture when Duong Mich joined the film crew.

This time, she collaborated with a lot of veteran artists.

It is known that in There’s nothing a hot pot can’t solve, Duong Mich co-starred with older actors like Vu Khiem and Dien Vu. Many people believe that it is because of Trieu Le Dinh’s change in 2022 that Duong Mich has different thoughts. She chooses cultural films that are invested in the quality of actors instead of romance films with young actors as before.

Jackie Chan and Yang Mi’s “special” relationship

Many people consider Duong Mich to be a smart person. She has a high emotional EQ and many times makes others admire her speech. That’s why Duong Mich has many friends and Jackie Chan is one of the artists who love her cheerful and generous personality.

In 2003, Jackie Chan accepted an advertisement. At this time, he needed to find a young girl to act as a co-star. After a series of interviews, he was not satisfied with anyone. Duong Mi was the last and only person to make him satisfied. At that time, she was only 16, 17 years old and a young girl.

Jackie Chan and Duong Mich used to co-star in an advertisement.

Although young, Duong Mich is not shy but very energetic and cheerful. She won the love of Thanh Long. Both you and I had a very good collaboration in that year’s commercial.

It is known that Jackie Chan’s fee in 2003 was 500,000 yuan (more than 1 billion dong) while Yang Mi only had 600 yuan (more than 2 million dong). It was the famous martial arts star who actively gave the young girl 50,000 yuan (more than 173 million VND) from her salary.

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Jackie Chan loves Duong Mich because of his cheerful and energetic personality.

He also gave a part of the salary to the young girl.

According to Jackie Chan, he is very optimistic about Yang Mi’s future. The male artist even asked her father to train his daughter well so that she could soon succeed. And the special relationship of Jackie Chan and Duong Mi has lasted until now for 20 years.

Currently, Duong Mich is really what Jackie Chan predicted. She is the expensive flower of Cbiz. Duong Mich’s position is not available to everyone. That’s why she is very grateful to Jackie Chan and considers “big brother” as her benefactor.

The current Duong Mi is already an expensive flower in showbiz.

In the past, Duong Mich used to participate in movies Reset by Thanh Long. Thanks to the movie, she won the award Best Actress at the 50th Houston International Film Festival. In addition, Duong Mi also won the award Best action actress during Jackie Chan Action Film Week at the Shanghai Film Festival.

Duong Mich joined Jackie Chan’s Reset.

The cooperation of the two people helped her receive many awards.

As for the increasingly mature image of the little girl, Jackie Chan shared that he feels like an old father who sees his daughter grow up every day. The male artist also affirmed Duong Mich’s dedication to the role. Duong Mich is ready to film the scene of cows rolling around, getting injured in many places on the body but not complaining and still continuing to do a very good job.

Jackie Chan feels like an old father watching his daughter grow up.

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