Five eating habits to live longer

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  • Five eating habits to live longerFive eating habits to live longer

According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health on data from more than 119,000 men and women followed for thirty-six years, five healthy eating habits have emerged as allowing to have less risk of die prematurely from cancer, cardiovascular or respiratory disease.

If these precious data shed a little better light on the subject, they nevertheless already stick to the current recommendations in terms of nutrition and health:

  • Prefer the whole foods (brown rice, wholemeal bread, etc.) rather than refined (industrial cereals, snacks, white rice, etc.)
  • Consume a large amount of plants (fruits and vegetables)
  • Regularly add to the menu of nuts and legumes (beans, lentils, broad beans and peas)
  • Limit meat consumption (especially red)dairy and sweet products
  • Consume half a glass to a glass of alcohol per day.

While research cannot say with certainty that these specific eating habits prolong life, the researchers say the association seems clear enough to demonstrate the health benefits of a good diet.

Mediterranean diet to limit neurodegenerative diseases?

Another interesting piece of information revealed by the study, the mediterranean diets comprising lots of plants and few sugary drinksare particularly associated with a decrease in mortality from neurodegenerative diseases.

When it comes to food, there are no secrets, it’s always the same good old habits that seem to work over time!

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Cancer: the Mediterranean diet boosts certain conventional treatments

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Bibliographic references

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