Men who lack vitamins, can erectile dysfunction come?

[이데일리 이순용 기자] Vitamin D is one of the nutrients our body needs, and we must be careful as it can cause various symptoms if we do not supplement in sufficient quantities. These include diabetes, chronic fatigue, depression, osteomalacia, premenstrual syndrome, and erectile dysfunction. In particular, as research results have been published that the risk of erectile dysfunction is high in case of vitamin D deficiency, it is attracting a lot of attention from those suffering from the disease.

This is the result of a study published by Dr. Erin Mikos of Johns Hopkins Medical School in the United States. Men who lack vitamin D have a 32% higher incidence of erectile dysfunction than men who do not have enough vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency may also be related. Of course, this is the result of Dr. Mikos’s observational study, and it does not prove that there is a causal relationship between vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction, but it is meaningful in that there is a testis-related family.

In order to synthesize vitamin D in everyday life, you need to get enough sunlight outdoors for 10 to 20 minutes every day. Even if you take vitamin D separately from food, it is only a precursor of vitamin D, so ultraviolet rays are absolutely necessary for vitamin D synthesis. However, long-term exposure to UV rays is dangerous, so caution is advised.

Lee Moo-yeon, director of Adams Urology, advised, “It is good to synthesize and take enough vitamin D in daily life, but vitamins do not solve erectile dysfunction. “Since there are various factors that cause erectile dysfunction, it is good to receive accurate treatment and consultation from a specialist,” he said.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, it is actually a symptom that occurs in many men, but there are many who hide it in shame or solve it by self-diagnosis without visiting a hospital. However, in this case, it is important to visit a urologist and receive appropriate treatment if erectile dysfunction is suspected or symptoms persist, as it can make treatment more difficult by missing the appropriate treatment time.

In the case of erectile dysfunction treatment, depending on the symptoms or severity, drug treatment and implant implantation can be considered. Among them, implants inserted into the body are divided into ‘bending type’ and ‘expandable type’, and since each has its own pain and advantages, it is good to decide on erectile dysfunction surgery following consulting with a specialist.



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