Sitting for a long time is easy to get 5 kinds of diseases. Don’t lose your health | Cancer | Obesity | Sedentary

For the health of employees, many companies have begun to change the working environment to “stand-up” desks, elevating the desktop so that employees can do things while standing, and matching it with a high chair. When you are tired, you can sit on the high chair and take a rest , may well be a good way. (Shutterstock)

Text/The Epoch Times Health Editorial Department

According to the statistics and predictions of the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding two million people around the world suffer from diseases or even die every year due to sedentary activities. Most people only know that sitting for a long time can cause obesity in the lower body, or back pain, but they don’t know that sitting for a long time has become the killer of the new century. People who sit for a long time are prone to 5 kinds of diseases, remind the public not to “sit” away their health.

Injuries irreparable High risk of early death

The American Cancer Society once examined the relationship between sitting time and mortality of 120,000 Americans over the past 14 years, and found that as long as women sit for more than 6 hours a day, the risk of premature death is 37% higher than those who sit for less than 3 hours a day. For men, it was 18 percent higher.

Experiments conducted by the International Diabetes Association concluded that continuous sitting for 6 hours a day, even with 2 hours of exercise followingward, would not compensate for the problems caused by prolonged sitting.

Most people only know that sitting for a long time can cause obesity in the lower body, or back pain, but they don't know that sitting for a long time has become the killer of the new century. People who sit for a long time are prone to 5 kinds of diseases, remind the public not to Most people only know that sitting for a long time can cause obesity in the lower body, or back pain, but they don’t know that sitting for a long time has become the killer of the new century. People who sit for a long time are prone to 5 kinds of diseases, remind the public not to “sit” away their health. (Shutterstock)

In recent years, for the health of employees, many companies have begun to change the working environment to “stand-up” desks, elevating the desktop to make it easier for employees to do things while standing, and matching it with high chairs, so that they can sit on high feet when they are tired from standing It is a good way to take a break on the chair.

What five diseases are you prone to?

1.Cardiovascular diseases

An Australian survey of adults found that watching six hours of TV or a computer a day cuts five years off their lives. When sitting for a long time, the muscle burns less fat, and the blood flow becomes slower, which will cause fatty acids to block the heart more easily, so people who sit for a long time are twice as likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease as the average person.

2.colorectal cancer

About 100,000 new cancer cases are linked to sedentary behavior each year, especially breast and colorectal cancers.

Canadian epidemiologist Christine Friedenreich (Christine Friedenreich) said that sitting for a long time is related to cancer risk indicators, because the intestinal peristalsis of people who sit for a long time is weakened and slowed down, and harmful components in feces are easy to stay in the intestines , and then stimulate the intestinal mucosa, coupled with poor abdominal and pelvic blood circulation in sedentary people, resulting in decreased intestinal immune function, which will increase the risk of colorectal cancer.


Sitting for a long time will compress the veins for a long time, resulting in poor blood circulation in the anus, tissue swelling, and even prolapse with defecation. Therefore, hemorrhoids are not caused by inflammation, but swelling and blood stasis of the venous plexus.


From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, long-term sedentary women will cause qi stagnation and blood stasis, which may easily cause lymphatic or blood embolism, and block the fallopian tubes; long-term sedentary men will squeeze the testicles, accessory testes, and spermatic cords, resulting in local blood circulation. Blocked, poor formation of sperm and semen will reduce the success rate of conception.


A study conducted by the University of Queensland in Australia found that people who sit for a long time but get up more times have a waist circumference reduction of 4.1 cm than those who do less times. It will run to the lower abdomen or buttocks where the body space is the most.

The results of the study found that as long as the sitting position is maintained for 1 hour, the “hormone-sensitive lipolytic enzyme” (HSL) that can break down fat and cholesterol in the blood will go on strike, and the amount of fat burned will be reduced by 90%.

However, every 45 to 50 minutes of sitting, stand up and walk or stretch, even for a short minute, hormone-sensitive lipolytic enzymes will start to work, and during sedentary periods, the higher the frequency of walking or stretching, the -The less reactive protein (indicator of inflammatory response), the smaller the waist. ◇



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