Breakfast, seaweed soup with barley rice.. Changes in the body?

Easy vascular health and bowel cleansing effect on busy mornings

Seaweed soup with beef or dried pollack helps to improve muscle strength in middle-aged and elderly people who naturally lose muscle due to increased protein. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Seaweed soup is a very familiar food to us. I eat seaweed soup when I do postpartum care and I don’t miss out on birthdays. Seaweed soup is a good food for busy mornings. If you make it the day before, you just take the rice out of the rice cooker and roll it up. There are many nutrients, so you don’t need another side dish. Just eat kimchi together. Why is seaweed soup and barley rice good for breakfast?

◆ Low-calorie-low-fat food… Rich in calcium-dietary fiber, contributing to metabolism

Seaweed is very low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. It is called the ‘vegetable of the sea’ because it contains more nutrients than ordinary vegetables. Pregnant women with active metabolisms need more iodine than usual. If iodine is deficient, the metabolism function may drop and you may gain weight. Seaweed is high in iodine, which contributes to replenishing the blood lost to the mother during childbirth. It is rich in calcium and strengthens bones. It has a lot of dietary fiber (fiber), so it gives a feeling of fullness, and it is good for preventing constipation by helping the intestinal peristalsis.

◆ Worries regarding the followingeffects of fine dust… Alginic acid in seaweed, heavy metals accumulated in the body

If you are worried regarding the followingeffects of fine dust that have recently been rampant, it is good to eat seaweed often. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s Food Safety Information Service, alginic acid contained in seaweeds such as seaweed and kelp is a sticky fiber that absorbs heavy metals, pesticides, carcinogens, neutral fats, cholesterol, and wastes accumulated in the body and exports them out of the body. do Alginic acid is regarding 20-30% of the seaweed component, and it discharges sodium from the body and lowers blood pressure.

◆ Stay away from iodine foods?… Avoid overeating and eat right

Among thyroid cancer patients, there is a case of staying away from iodine food unconditionally. However, according to the National Cancer Center-National Cancer Information Center, there is no particularly good or bad food for thyroid cancer patients. However, people who need radioactive iodine treatment following surgery need to limit their intake of seaweed containing iodine before starting treatment. In normal times, there is no particular food to pay attention to. It is good to eat a well-balanced diet with a variety of foods. Eating the right amount of food before, during, or following treatment can give you strength and restore your health quickly. Since Koreans tend to consume a lot of iodine, it is better to avoid overeating, such as seaweed.

◆ When I’m busy, I roll barley rice in seaweed soup… Time-saving, vascular health, bowel cleansing effect

Menopausal women are prone to hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia) as estrogen (female hormone), which protects blood vessels, greatly decreases, and triglyceride and cholesterol increase in the blood. Increased risk of vascular disease (heart disease, stroke). Barley’s beta-glucan component suppresses the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, adsorbs and excretes saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and heavy metals that have entered the body through other foods. It is also helpful for blood vessel health, bowel cleansing effect, and blood sugar control.

Barley rice is also high in dietary fiber, which is good for intestinal health and preventing constipation, and helps synthesize vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, which are involved in skin nutrition. Seaweed soup is good for health if you cook it in a way that is not too salty. Blanch it in hot water and eat it with chogochujang seasoning. Seaweed soup with beef, dried pollack, or tofu is greatly increased in protein, helping to improve muscle strength in middle-aged and elderly people, when muscles naturally decrease.



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