While walking through the orchards where they work, Gabriel (Simón Pesutic) and his nephew Benja (Bernabé Madrigal) had an intimate conversation that suddenly led to a revelation.
Sure, a few days ago Baltazar’s law (Mega) the youngest son of the protagonist found out that sister Margarita (Amparo Noguera) is the mother of Lucas (Francisco Dañobeitía), news that has been extremely upsetting.
Thus, complicated by the situation, he told the truth to Benja, who was speechless at the news, deeply surprised.
He remained with that expression for a few seconds, which allowed a little bug to slowly come out of his mouth and begin to run down his cheek.
The insect was so small that only the most attentive viewers noticed it, some even believed that the creature was actually on their screens, and not within the recording itself.