The fourth “tiger” was sacked in February before the “two sessions” purge | The two sessions of the Communist Party of China | Former deputy general manager | National Energy Corporation

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing Time, February 09, 2023]The Two Sessions of the CCP are regarding to be held, and high-ranking officials have been sacked in recent days. On the followingnoon of February 8, Li Dong, the former deputy general manager of the National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., was investigated. He was the fourth “tiger” who was sacked in February.

On the 8th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission reported the news of Li Dong’s investigation. According to public information, Li Dong was born in 1960, a doctor of engineering, a professor-level senior engineer, and served as a member of the party group and deputy general manager of Shenhua Group Co., Ltd.

In November 2017, Li Dong served as the deputy general manager and member of the party group of China Energy Group.

According to the company’s official website, China Energy Group was officially established on November 28, 2017. It is a state-owned enterprise jointly reorganized by China Guodian Corporation and Shenhua Group Co., Ltd. with the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is the world’s largest Coal production companies, thermal power companies, wind power companies and coal-to-oil coal chemical companies.

Li Dong is the fourth central management cadre to be investigated since February this year.

Prior to this, on February 5, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced the investigation and punishment of three centrally managed cadres, including Hao Hongjun, chairman and party secretary of the Dalian CPPCC in Liaoning Province, Yi Pengfei, a member of the Hunan CPPCC party group and former vice chairman, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Party Committee. Jiao Xiaoping, member of the Standing Committee and deputy commander.

The two sessions of the CCP will be held in March, and the CCP’s personnel reshuffle will be settled by then, but the CCP’s power struggle will not end. On the eve of the two sessions, the authorities have carried out a new round of purges in different systems and industries, and high-ranking officials have been sacked intensively.

On the followingnoon of January 6, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection successively announced the news that three “tigers” had been investigated. Including Ji Binchang, vice governor of Shandong Province, Wang Xuefeng, former deputy director of the People’s Congress of North Hebei Province, and He Zehua, former deputy director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.

According to incomplete statistics, in just six days from January 29th to 2nd, 3rd, 50 officials were arrested, prosecuted or investigated. It is expected that in the future, departments with concentrated power, capital-intensive, and resource-rich departments will become the focus of rectification.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Luo Tingting/Editor in charge: Wen Hui)



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