Singing is good for your health

Learn to love her voice just to love each other? This is taught by Marie France Duisit*, voice teacher, musician and singer, who uses singing as a tool for personal development. She gives us here 3 easy exercises, which do not require no vocal technique.

Really listen to each other to trust each other more

We sing a vowel, for example the A, and we pay attention to what comes out, without wondering if it sounds right or not, low or high… but rather: “What color is the sound I hear?” (gray, yellow, blue, dark or light?) or “What material does it look like?” (wood, cotton, metal…). We start once more with the I, the O, the U… Ideal for learn to trust yourself and to believe what we really hear, rather than what others say or what our received ideas suggest to us.

Vibrate the body to release blockages

We lie on the ground on a carpet and we sing an A. We try to feel the part of the body that vibrates (the chest, the throat, the belly, the ribs…), putting our hands if necessary. Then, once we become aware of it, we try to move the sound to other areas. Circulating the vibration throughout the body restores movement and participates in lifting psychological blocksbut also physical, like a knotted belly.

Sing your emotions to no longer suffer them

Lying on a carpet on the floor, we immerse ourselves in detail in a recent situation where we felt a strong emotion: anger, sadness, fear… Then we sing an O and we observe what is happening: is it how loud is the sound? Is he shaking, struggling to get out…? If the sound remains completely blocked in the throat, trying with another memory that is a little less charged often helps to unblock the situation. Then we continue to sing, trying to modulate the power, pitch, etc. The idea is not to repress the emotion, to allow it to express itself, but without having the constraint of find the right words.

2 songs to try to feel good

  • Sing his name like a mantra

Start by pronouncing each letter of the first name separately, paying attention to the articulation and the necessary impulse. Then say it slowly several times, keeping the same articulation. Finally, repeat it faster in a loop, like a mantra, for as long as it soothes.

  • Imitate the buzzing of the bee

Sing a little tune while listening to the sound. Then sing the melody once more on the “zzzz” sound, sliding from one note to another like a bee. Perfect for placing the sound well and making your voice resonate.

To read :

My singing ritual – To feel good, by Nathalie Bonnaud (ed. Mango). Each of the 30 glossy cards offers a little exercise that helps to assert oneself or to relax.

I like (not) my voice – Good in her voice, good in her life!, by Marie France Duisit (ed. Gereso). Other easy exercises to listen and enrich your voice.



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