What is ‘stress laxing’? You may suffer too

Perhaps you have not heard of one of the new evils of our time, or you may even have felt it without being aware of it. We refer to stresslaxinga stress modality which is a bit more complex than it may seem at first.

To get to know each other a little better and take care of our personal welfare as we deserve, we delve into knowing a little more regarding this problem and we will tell you what does the stresslaxingin addition to offering you some guidelines to prevent it.

what is the stresslaxing?

Women drinking coffee/photo: Pixabay

The term stresslaxing refers to the type of stress what does it feel like when you try to relax but you can’t, due to the fact that he is not busy or working on what really stresses him out. It may seem a bit complicated to understand; however, it is not so much.

We have all felt it at some point in our lives when we are going through a period of heavy workload or exams in studies. When enjoying our moments of leisurewhether small or large, the stresslaxing does not allow us to relax nor really concentrate on it because our mind is overwhelmed and anticipating with everything it has to do. We can feel discomfort negative thoughtsdiscomfort and even anxiety. All this can also lead to suffering sleeping problems.

But the simplest is understand the stresslaxing with some examples. It happens when you’re meeting friends for dinner and, at some point, you’re not really paying attention to what they’re saying, because your mind has wandered to those loads of calls you have to make on Monday, or those notification alerts. of your email on your mobile, which you want to check as soon as possible in case it is something urgent at work. It also happens when your head seems incapable of immersing itself in that chapter of the series that you like so much or you can’t stand staying still for a while, sunbathing in the park while you relax, something you can’t do either.

The phenomenon of stresslaxing

Man with gesture of stress lifting weights/Photo: Pixabay

Although in recent years the phenomenon of stresslaxing It has increased, it is not something new. Decades ago, the American Psychological Association estimated that between 30% and 50% of the population suffered stresslaxing when trying to relax. Now the number of people affected is greater, leading to a increased anxiety problems related to this type of stress. So much so that, in the year 2020, the English digital dictionary Urban Dictionaryincluded an entry dedicated to the term.

Los main motives why is increment among the population that suffers stresslaxing are the difficulty disconnecting in the dizzying society in which we live, connected and located at all times, and the social pressure to achieve perfection in everything we do, which is enhanced through social networks. In most cases it is linked to the technostress.

prevent the stresslaxing

Woman on a bench on the shores of a lake/Photo: Pixabay

Health specialists tend to agree on what should be focused on when talking regarding preventing this problem, as long as there is not a bigger one behind it, since then it would be necessary to go to the bottom of the matter and address the origin in order to get over it. But in the event that this is not the case, there are some guidelines what can you follow not to suffer stresslaxing.

And it is that we all must be honest with ourselves and what we want to do. This implies not being constantly subject to social networks and the trends that are imposed. That is, you must be clear what are your priorities and you Value scaley be true to yourself. Don’t risk your inner balance.

If you enjoy cooking, do it; but remember that the result does not have to be perfect or look wonderful in a photograph, and you do not have to upload your image to the networks either. If you go to a concert by your favorite artist or your children’s end-of-year performance, don’t miss them by looking at a screen on your mobile or checking work messages. Remember that the world can wait a couple of hours without problems. Relativize and try to enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Regarding the sportIf yoga or running really bores you, even though it seems obligatory to have to practice those activities because everyone does it, find another way to be active that will have fun if you don’t like it. You must do what you enjoy and it helps you to relax and disconnect.

Take care of personal well-being

woman reading
Woman reading/Photo: Pixabay

Lastly, don’t be overcome by the idea that it’s only worth spending your time on what is productive, measurable and quantifiable. On the contrary, the important thing is you personal welfare and that you feel happy to the extent of your possibilities. And if that means spending all Saturday followingnoon on the sofa watching series or reading, dedicate yourself to it without regret.

Take care and enjoy those moments of relaxation and leisure Alone with yourself and with your loved ones. Then you will return to work with more energy, you will gain in quality of life and personal balance.



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