What happens if you drink red tea at night?

Infusions are currently great alternatives to improve aspects of health. Each tea has different objectives and helps the body to be in a good state. It is advisable not to consume them in excess. Some of the most popular are green and red tea.

Precisely, the latter is originally from the Yunnan district in China and is known as pu-erh and is grown from the plant Camellia sinensiswhich also supplies other varieties such as white and black tea.

However, red differs from the others because it is subjected to a fermentation process, in which some microorganisms are added. portal information Gastrolabfrom Mexico, indicates that this can last between two and sixty years, and is made in bamboo barrels, helping the leaves achieve a copper tone, which is precisely what gives it its color.

Data from the Spanish Heart Foundation highlight that this drink offers various properties, among which are: caring for cardiovascular health and reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels, among others.

Red tea is characterized by having a sweeter flavor than the rest and being stimulating by having theine and caffeine. It is rich in vitamins B, C and D; it contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc and fluoride, as well as polyphenols, theophylline and fiber.

These components give it a series of properties that are ideal for the body. This is how this variety of tea is recognized for being diuretic, detoxifying, digestive, stimulating and immunostimulating, hepatoprotective, antihistamine, hypotensive, cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant.

Another of the great benefits of red tea is that it is a natural relaxant and therefore, the portal The Creole points out what happens if this drink is taken at night, just before going to sleep. “Drinking red tea at night can help calm your nerves, stress and anxiety, since one of the components that this type of tea has is gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has an anxiolytic effect”explains the platform.

Other drinks: incredible benefits of drinking green tea

However, few are aware of its health benefits. According to information published in the magazine Chinese Medicinegreen tea also has positive effects in the prevention of various diseases.

In fact, several studies confirm the help of green tea regarding the regulation of cholesterol levels, especially the one known as ‘bad’, LDL. This is due to the action of the flavonoids in its composition, which manage to reduce LDL cholesterol in the arteries.according to the Seville newspaper in Spain, in its health section.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ensures that green tea helps speed up metabolism and increases the burning of calories and fat, necessary to lose weight. Although, it promotes thermogenesis, which is known as body heat generation, which occurs as a result of normal digestion, metabolization and absorption of food.

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