The herb that helps treat cancer and relieve kidney stones

Medicinal herbs have multiple benefits and help the body to prevent and counteract different diseases, some of them with considerable severity. There is even a plant that helps treat cancer and relieve kidney stones.

Cancer is a chronic disease that occurs due to mutations in the DNA of cells. Inside it are the instructions for the cell to function properly. When there are changes, errors in the indications are generated and the cells become malignant cells.

This disease can start in one organ and spread to other organs. For example, “lung cancer begins in the lungs and can spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain. In turn, cancer originating in other organs can spread to the lungs. When cancer cells spread from one organ to another, it is called metastasis.”, details the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In addition, experts from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) explain that cancer can cause different symptoms, ddepending on where it originates or if it has spread to other parts of the body.

The size and shape of kidney stones varies; they can be as big as a grain of sand or as big as a pea. The NIDDK notes that on very rare occasions they can become the size of a golf ball. The texture can be smooth or irregular and its color can be yellow or brown.

Well, the herb that helps treat cancer and relieve kidney stones is the laurelthis is how the portal highlights it Pharma Nation. “According to a study, bay leaf extract could be a natural option to kill cancer cells and help apoptosis (programmed cell death), especially in cases of breast cancer”indicates the site.

Besides, “A study published in Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Researchin 2014, found that bay leaves could reduce the amount of urease (enzyme that causes kidney stones) in the body”concludes the platform.

How is bay leaf tea prepared?

Before taking it, you have to wait for the drink to infuse for ten minutes, in order to extract the flavor and properties of the plant, they explain from the portal Thy Health.

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This preparation can also help alleviate different frequent discomforts, such as colic, bloating, regulate blood sugar levels, treat symptoms associated with arthritis, stomach upset, as well as improve mood.

What care must be taken?

The golden rule when it comes to natural remedies is that “everything in excess is bad”, and it applies to the case of bay leaves. from the gate Nutrition and Pharmacy indicate that there are several contraindications related to an inadequate intake of tea from this aromatic plant.

According to portal experts, This infusion is not recommended for pregnant people, since it can cause complications to carry the pregnancy to term.

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