Ca Mau province creates a highlight of economic development from attracting investment | Economy

The Investment Promotion and Enterprise Support Center (IPEC) of Ca Mau province supports investors to survey and learn regarding the fields of industry, renewable energy, seafood, infrastructure… in the district. Ngoc Hien. (Photo: Ca Mau province’s web portal)

According to the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province, in 2023, the locality will continue to promote administrative reform, improve the investment and business environment, and attract investment to promote development-oriented economic growth. socio-economic 5 years, period 2021-2025 has been approved by the Provincial People’s Council.

The Provincial People’s Committee said that the proposed solution is to strengthen the leadership role of the Party committees at all levels in the task of administrative reform from the beginning of the year; at the same time, regularly monitor, urge, inspect, review and summarize in order to promptly detect and correct errors, limitations and weaknesses in the implementation of administrative procedure reform, as well as other administrative procedures. guidelines and resolutions of the Party, policies and laws of the State.

The People’s Committee of Ca Mau province regularly directs and urges departments, agencies, branches and localities to focus on improving construction quality, promulgating legal documents and organizing law enforcement; uphold the roles and responsibilities of the heads of agencies and units and promote the initiative and creativity in performing assigned functions and tasks.

[Cà Mau đẩy mạnh xuất khẩu các hàng hóa chủ lực trong năm 2023]

According to the Chairman of the People’s Committee Ca Mau Province Huynh Quoc Viet, at all levels, branches and localities, implemented reform of administrative procedures more drastically, substantively and effectively. Along with promoting decentralization in handling administrative procedures, clearly defining the tasks of agencies and units, reducing the focal point of intermediary organizations; thoroughly overcome the duplication and overlapping of functions and tasks. The Provincial People’s Committee will continue to tighten discipline and administrative discipline in the performance of official duties of cadres, civil servants and public employees.

Localities need to focus on training to improve their capacity, professional qualifications, and public service ethics staff, Public servants; ensure a fair, democratic, open and transparent competition mechanism in recruitment, appointment and promotion of civil servants and public employees…; structure and rearrange the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees in the direction of the right people for the right jobs, with a lean, quality and efficient apparatus.

The People’s Committee of Ca Mau province also committed to continue accompanying the business community and businesses inside and outside the province; create investment environment, facilitate business, transparent and open, and ensure the implementation of a number of policies to support and encourage enterprises in order to promote production and business development and attract investment; actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution associated with the development of high-quality human resources and innovative and creative start-ups.

In 2023, the province actively invites investment in key projects and programs to create breakthroughs to promote economic development and take the initiative to review to ensure that plans, programs and projects are developed. socio-economic development in accordance with the planning. Business support and development will also be well implemented by the province, creating the most favorable conditions for investors to come to Ca Mau to learn and invest in more new projects.

There are 432 investment projects in operation in the province, with a total registered investment capital of 140,986 billion VND; including 9 projects FDI with a total registered investment capital of 152.5 million USD.

Over the past time, administrative procedure reform in Ca Mau has prospered, innovated, streamlined, and improved the operational quality of the administrative apparatus; implement digital transformation in handling administrative procedures in a quick direction, shorten the time to return results… related to administrative reform from province to grassroots.

Kim Ha (VNA/Vietnam+)



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