Natural treatments to eliminate bunions without surgery

A bunion is a condition that occurs on the big toe. It can affect only one or both. ”It is formed when the big toe points outwards, towards the second toe. This causes the appearance of a bump on the outer edge of the finger.” notes Medline Plus, US National Library of Medicine website.

It is important that in case you observe the formation of a bunion, you go to a doctor. It is not advisable to follow home remedies or preparations that do not have the approval of a health professional.

Natural treatments, whose name refers to the fact that they do not require medication or other types of chemical products for their use, include the following:

  1. Wear new shoes. It is important that they are spacious and that they are comfortable for the toes.
  2. cushioning Non-medicated over-the-counter bunion pads can be used. They help reduce pain.
  3. Shoe insoles. Insoles are another option to treat this condition. They help distribute pressure evenly as you move your feet, which helps prevent the bunion from getting worse. It can be prescribed by a doctor or over the counter.
  4. Apply ice. This is a very easy homemade option to make. Ice should be applied to the bunion following prolonged standing or if there is pain and swelling in the area.

Other foot conditions

This is a common condition, which is not serious.. However, treatment must be started on time because “it is contagious, so it can start in one nail and spread to the rest,” he explains. Medical News Today, specialized health portal.

When presenting a fungus in any of the nails, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Usually, the professional can prescribe antifungal medications. According to the specialized portal, In some cases, these types of products can have side effects in people. Therefore, there are also natural options that can work as a complement to medical recommendations.

Symptoms of nail fungus include the following, according to the Mayo Clinic:

  • thickening.
  • discoloration.
  • Brittleness, flaking, or irregularity.
  • Deformity.
  • Separation of the nail bed.
  • Bad smell.

Corns and calluses are thick, hard layers of skin, that appear as a result of the protection that the skin tries to have from friction and pressure, as explained by Mayo Clinic experts.

Generally, they tend to form on the fingers and toes. This is not a serious condition and its treatment is easy. It is very common in people who have diabetes or another type of disease that decreases blood circulation in the feet.

To identify that you have a callus, the following symptoms must be taken into account:

  • Hardened and thick skin.
  • Flaky and dry skin.
  • Thick, hardened skin in areas where friction or pressure may occur.
  • Skin areas where there may be bleeding and pain.

In case of observing any symptoms, you should consult a doctor to receive professional advice, especially if you have conditions such as diabetes.

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