“Is he aware of the missed appointment with history?”: Jean-Luc Crucke sharply criticizes Willy Borsus

Last Thursday, the Walloon government has taken a strong decision in the Boucle du Hainaut project, this high-voltage electrical connection project carried out by Elia should link Avelgem, in West Flanders, to Courcelles by crossing Hainaut. The government has come out in favor of the revision of the sector plan requested by the network manager to create a new high voltage line.

Hainaut loop: the Walloon government is moving forward, to the chagrin of local residents

But Willy Borsus, the Minister of Territorial Planning in charge of the file, has since drawn the wrath. On the part first of all of the authorities of the 14 municipalities concerned by the route, which had shown themselves opposed to the project. From the non-profit association REVOLHT then, which had managed to collect 22,000 signatures from protesting citizens.

But this Wednesday, it is another voice which rises and it can surprise since it emanates from a deputy belonging to the same political group (MR) as Willy Borsus. This is the Walloon elected Jean-Luc Crucke, former mayor of Frasnes-lez-Anvaing, a town directly affected by the Boucle du Hainaut project. In a press release, the latter also rejects the decision taken by the regional government. For Jean-Luc Crucke, as for the other protesters, the preferred solution is a buried direct current.

“What a disappointment for all citizens and the Revolth association in the face of a decision that is all the more revolting since no allusion is even made to the only technology that makes it possible to unite innovation, economy and ecology. , namely the passage in direct current and by underground way”is surprised Jean-Luc Crucke in a written question to Willy Borsus. “Is the Minister aware of the missed opportunity with the history of the decarbonization of society? Has the Minister made a budgetary choice, favoring the capitalistic effect on a healthy environment that brings happiness?” adds the Walloon Liberal deputy.

In a press release, Jean-Luc Crucke adds: “Like some Mayors of Picardy Wallonia, during the impact study that will be carried out, I demand that the possibilities of burial be duly studied and even privileged […] It is said that there would be an additional cost but in the end this additional cost will in any case be borne by the citizens via their bills. The health of the population and the protection of our environment also have a price!”

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