The causes of vitamin D deficiency in Lebanon, especially (Dr. Hanina Abi Nader)

Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia is the most affected in the region. It reacts as a steroid hormone and helps the absorption of calcium and phosphate, and the patient usually suffers from fatigue, muscle pain, and depression.

The causes of this deficiency begin with diet, malabsorption, excess weight, and the GC genetic content in Lebanon.

Guidance on laboratory measures may have an error factor in the range of up to 5 (eg, the optimal level is 30, so a level of 25 without symptoms may be considered acceptable).

We also tend in the region to tan ourselves and in this context, the increase in the percentage of melanin in the skin reduces the absorption of UV B rays and thus the absorption of vitamin D. It should be noted that obesity also reduces vitamin D levels (which is fat-soluble and therefore found in egg yolks).

As for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, it begins to take effect following one month. We should also know that vitamin D is activated following ingestion (D2, D3) in the mechanism of the liver and kidneys. The skin does this as a result of vitamin D3, and exposure to the sun 3 times a week for 30 minutes each is sufficient in the framework of treating this deficiency.

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Related Articles:  How to Safely Get Vitamin D from the Sun without Tanning Your Skin

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