there is alarm for the mental health of the student body

There is concern at the Universidad del Valle regarding the state of mental health among its students following a student took her own life on the followingnoon of this Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Dayana Moreno Sarria, who was in the second semester of Tourism Administration, she was found dead in the building of the Faculty of Integrated Arts.

Personnel from the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) of the Prosecutor’s Office entered the university facilities to carry out the respective inspection and removal of the corpse.

The apparent suicide caused alarm in the midst of the silence that the Universidad del Valle has kept on its official channels, because through a video of the General Assembly of Students of the institution, it raised its voice.

“We make ourselves available with any type of support that is necessary to attend to this event and in the process of doing so we are going to make a form available to the student body for the collection of cases related to mental health. In addition, we call from the student representation and the Student Human Rights Committee to meet in an extraordinary way in a general assembly this Friday at 10 in the morning so that we can talk regarding mental health”, assured representatives of the Assembly.

According to what they said, the Universidad del Valle is accompanying and providing support to the student’s family through social workers.

After the event, on social networks there are divided opinions regarding the psychological service provided by the Universidad del Valle. While some say that it is disastrous, others say that it saved their lives.

Symptoms that can save lives

As with any disease, suicide has symptoms and, although they are not always evident and may vary depending on each person, there may be small samples such as:

  • Presence of thoughts or plans of self-harm in the last month or acts of self-harm in the last year.
  • Serious and constant emotional disturbances.
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Violence.
  • Uncommunicative behavior and/or social isolation.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is the second death cause of young people between the ages of 15 and 29, so if you know someone who is planning to do so, it is important that you know how to approach the situation:
  • “Dialogue with empathy. The first thing is to start a conversation with that person and keep in mind that they are there to listen and not to judge. Put yourself in their shoes!
  • Allow the person to express their feelings.
  • Whenever possible, respect their privacy, there are many things that do not want to be told.
  • Talk to him directly regarding the suicide, express your concern, and don’t promise confidentiality on the subject.
  • Take the situation seriously and assess the degree of risk. Advise him on how to seek professional help and where he can go.
  • Try not to leave your loved one alone and remove those objects that may pose a risk to their life. If the risk is high, try to accompany the person.
  • Don’t ignore the situation or appear dismayed. Also don’t panic, use phrases like ‘everything will be fine’, or try to make the problem seem trivial”.

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