the “blazons” of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which will replace the old pictograms, unveiled

“Let’s call it a conceptual revolution. » During a press conference this Wednesday, February 8, the Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Cojop) presented the visual identity of Paris 2024. Even for the pictograms, the organizer wanted to “break the codes”, his mantra as soon as he won the Games. Since the appearance of this sleek signage at the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics and Paralympics (JOP), no host city had modernized it. None, except Paris. “Pictograms are a thing of the past. We launch the principle of the coat of arms »announces the Cojop.

After the “simple” personalization of these small logos launched from Barcelona in 1992, the Parisian edition therefore wanted to mark a new break by changing the visual identity of the event. In November 2022, the Cojop presented the Phryges, the JOP mascots in the shape of a Phrygian cap. An original choice which had already distinguished Paris from previous editions of the JOP.

Read also: Paris 2024: the Phryges, in the shape of a Phrygian cap, will be the mascots of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Until then, pictograms were essentially informative and universal symbols that represented each discipline by a practitioner. This time, the Paris 2024 design teams have, in collaboration with the creative agency W, erased the athletes on their new “blazons” for a graphic construction from a central element of the practice (surfboard, armchair , bicycle, snowshoe…), all around an axis of symmetry.

“Reconnecting with Youth”

The new visuals, however, have something to intrigue. Their clarity and their comprehension, first requirements of the device, can question. Doubts swept away by the Cojop: “We tested it with the Athletes’ Commission. Yes, some were a little disturbed. But they had the sense of pride of belonging to this country which takes things a little differently, like for the mascots. »

Paralympic Games coats of arms for the 2024 Paris Games.

These coats of arms, for which a little adaptation time will be necessary, will be present in particular on the digital tickets and on all the signage around the stadiums. Each of them will also have its animated version for television broadcasts and, above all, for communication on social networks. Objective: to propel these coats of arms into the lives of “everyday fans and sportsmen”. Young, if possible. A challenge that Paris 2024 has set itself, embodied in particular by the integration of breakdance among the Olympic disciplines.

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Read also Paris 2024: the Olympic Games are betting on breakdancing to give themselves a facelift

And for the organizers of the Games, this also involves visual identity. « The CIOs [Comité international olympique] did not imagine that we rework the pictograms in this way, recognizes Julie Matikhine, brand director. They were delighted and aware of this challenge of reconnecting with young people and with their own way of communicating. » Another issue is inclusion. Of the sixty-two coats of arms, eight will be identical for the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines – as for para judo and para badminton – in order to “putting everyone under the same banner, under the same values”.

The visual identity of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games imagined for the future aquatic center.

The Cojop also presented the “look” of the next Games. With a predominance of red, green, blue and purple, in pastel tones, and revisited and discreet Parisian symbols, the graphic design will remain sober, especially at the edge of the pitches “so as not to steal the spotlight from the athletes”. Future curiosity of the Games, the Stade de France athletics track will be purple. “We wanted to reconcile sport and the spirit of the Paris Games, with a sense of aesthetics, teamwork and sharing”develop the Paris 2024 teams.

This visual identity will be common to the JOP, but customizable by each host city, which can highlight its architectural symbols. The organization also encourages all municipalities in France to “raise the banners of Paris 2024”. In particular, graphic kits will be given to schools to dress up the establishments and promote the sport. The creation of a sound identity is currently being considered.

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