at least one hundred Leopard 1 tanks will be delivered by Berlin

The Senate calls for the reinforcement of aid to Ukraine, in particular military

The right-wing French Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution on Tuesday reaffirming its support for Ukraine and calling on the government to step up aid, “especially arms deliveries”. Less than a week following a speech delivered in the hemicycle of the Palais du Luxembourg by the speaker of the parliament of Ukraine Rouslan Stefantchouk, the vote was won by 324 votes once morest 16. Only the majority communist group CRCE voted once morest .

This text, without binding value, was proposed by the president of the Les Indépendants group, Claude Malhuret. The Senate thus intends to reaffirm “its full support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders by the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, confirmed by the Russian Federation in 2009”.

Il « invite » especially the government “to continue and significantly strengthen its political, economic, military, technical and humanitarian support in order to help Ukraine defend itself once morest the war of Russian aggression (…)”. He calls “in conjunction with its European partners, to continue and strengthen in particular the supply of arms to Ukraine, in the areas identified as most necessary by the Ukrainian authorities”.

The Senate also invites, among others, the government and the European Union “to promote any initiative intended to elucidate and judge the facts likely to constitute war crimes and crimes once morest humanity committed by the Russian Federation”.



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