FEMA will provide flood policies to families in Florida | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

for univision newsandreina: everything seems to indicatethat there will not be many changes inthe district.we continue with others becauseriz from hurricanes ian and nicolethat hit floridaduring the past year, femais providing insurancegroups for familiesaffected as part of theirfederal assistance fordisasters.so far benefitedAce of 7000 families in the caseof hurricane nicole and the deadlineapplication will remain openuntil February 13.among fema applicantsprovides the oil offloods, applicantsthey don’t have to do anyadditional process.>> fema is going to provide an oilgroup insurance for three yearsconsecutively for thosepeople who qualify, noonly owners, alsotenants can be chosenfor this oilthe important thing is when you receivethe certificate has to callto fema to let you know thatyou intend toreturn or is already living in yourhome.but what is the reason?because this is where youcurrent rent and followingthe three years, during thosethree years will receive aletter indicating that it is alreadywarming up and in the last year and45 days before the oil mustget an expiring license.once the oliza almostnever the owner of the home liketenant has to followpaying the price for lifeof the apartment, if you live there,for the home where you live.Andreina: as I explained to youthat following three years the



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