Insomnia. What are the treatments to sleep better

Insomnia is one of the most frequent sleep disorders and manifests itself in recurring problems when it comes to falling asleep or with frequent interruptions in the sleep cycle at night, which often makes it difficult or prevents going back to sleep.

Dr. Edgar Escalona Velásquez, neurophysiologist Ribera Polusa (Lugo), explains that the causes of insomnia can be associated with different factors, but among the most frequent are respiratory disorders during sleep, parasomnias and restless leg syndromes, among others. .

Belén Vázquez, a psychologist at the same hospital, assures that if this situation lasts for approximately a month, sometimes caused by some factor that alters our sleep cycle or makes us particularly nervous, it is short-term insomnia. But if the insomnia lasts beyond three months, it can become chronic.

Consequences of not sleeping well

Not sleeping well or not resting enough hours can greatly affect our daily activity. The psychologist from Ribera Polusa, the hospital that manages the Ribera health group in Lugo, explains that a patient can manifest drowsiness during the day, by not resting at night, but also, she adds, “on a cognitive level memory difficulties may appear and concentration, and also of an affective nature, which can manifest itself with special irritability with parents, partners or children, and even mood instability and even depressive symptoms”.

If insomnia lasts too long, adds Belén Vázquez, problems with hypertension, heart attacks, accidents at work and a deterioration in productivity can appear. And in the opinion of the neurophysiologist from Ribera Polusa, “prolonged sleep deprivation can be lethal”, which undoubtedly highlights the importance of seeking solutions to this problem, if possible, at its inception.

Treatments for insomnia

As the consulted psychologist from Ribera Polusa explains, there are three ways of tackling insomnia that, she says, are giving patients good results, depending on the intensity and length of time they have not slept well:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • The work of sleep hygiene
  • and drug treatment

Belén Vázquez highlights the importance of the second, sleep hygiene, considering that it is a practice that we can all carry out as soon as we perceive the first symptoms of insomnia. “It is regarding modifying daily habits to try to sleep better, for example, scheduling relaxing activities before going to sleep -such as some breathing and relaxation techniques-, controlling the temperature and light inside the room, to find ourselves in a space that invites to rest; try not to use electronic devices just before going to bed; and of course, do not drink coffee or tea or eat a copious meal in the hours before the break.

Other sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are a group of pathologies, among which insomnia stands out, which is the most frequent. The psychologist Belén Vázquez explains that sometimes other sleep disorders are also treated in consultation, such as hypersomnia or those related to the circadian rhythm, for example, associated with changes in work shifts, especially those that involve nights of work . “In this type of disorder, the discomfort felt by the person must be assessed, as well as the impact on a social, work and family level.

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