In the north, the presidents raise the sound: the French speakers do not want “reforms”, they will be responsible for a bursting of Belgium if that continues. Three political scientists, Audrey Vandeleene, Carl Devos and Pascal Delwit, reframe for us.
Political journalist
For David Coppi
Reading time: 5 mins
QWhat do you think of this inflation of declarations by political leaders in the north who target Francophone “immobility”? The thesis is as follows: the parties in the south of the country, starting with the socialists but also the liberals, do not talk regarding ecologists, do not want the reforms that are nevertheless necessary in the country, on pensions, the labor market, taxation And, last but not least, the institutional. Under these conditions, Belgium is no longer viable, Flanders will take off.
Almost everyone gets into it.
Bart De Wever, of course, who warns French speakers in these terms: “All the major reforms have been introduced extra-legal and then legalized. It’s not a coup call, but there’s subversion behind it.
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