Cellulite water to lose weight actress magic weight loss formula! Drink 5 cups of “Cellulite Water” to lose 3kg in 7 days

Are you curious regarding what exactly is the “Cellulite Water” in the title? Let me tell you, Korean artist Lee Hyori lost 3kg in 7 days with this cup of magic water, and Song Hye Kyo also drank it regularly every day, and lost 17kg directly through detoxification! Alright, let’s not keep it a secret, this cup of “cellulite water” is lemonade! I believe that many people know the benefits of lemon water, but the editor still wants to write another article to tell you how much a small lemon can play a role in making so many actresses lose weight successfully!

This cup of “cellulite water” is lemonade

1. What is so great regarding lemonade that it has become the weight loss recipe of many actresses?

Because lemon contains vitamin C, the biggest effect is “whitening”. If you take it in moderation, it can prevent the formation of melanin. This is one of the reasons why female stars drink lemonade to make their skin white and tender. It’s so beautiful! Next, the editor thinks that the biggest reason why drinking lemonade can help you lose weight is that everyone knows to drink more water, but the water has no taste, which makes people a little bit resistant. The water with lemon has a faint fragrance, which makes drinking water less so. Boring, drinking more water can increase satiety, and it can also replace sugary drinks, of course, you will lose weight naturally!

2. Lose weight quickly in a short period of time

Lee Hyori once revealed in an interview that she drank 4 to 5 cups of lemonade and herbal tea a day and stopped eating anything to lose weight. In this way, she lost 3 kg in 7 days, but she said that the side effect was rapid aging of the skin. Here’s the editor’s warning, everyone, please don’t do this, it will really damage your body. Artists are trained in this profession, and we mortals should not use such radical methods to lose weight. Lee Hyo-ri herself admits that such a method is very unhealthy. She suggests that everyone can spend two days on the weekend drinking lemonade to detoxify.

Lee Hyori once revealed in an interview that she would drink 4 to 5 cups of lemonade and vanilla tea a day. Source: Visual China

Lee Hyori once revealed in an interview that she would drink 4 to 5 cups of lemonade and vanilla tea a day. Source: Visual China

Song Hye Kyo’s whitening and tender skin should be the envy of many girls! Song Hye Kyo is also a lover of lemonade, and then successfully detoxified and lost 17kg. Is this figure too amazing!

Method: One liter of water with half a lemon. In addition to drinking lemonade every day, she will also pair it with 15 minutes of exercise and a balanced diet. For example, the previous editor wrote that Song Hye Kyo used tofu to lose weight, and no matter how casually she eats, she will never touch fast food, etc. The editor thinks that lemonade is an auxiliary tool, and the main reason why Qiaomei lost weight is diet + exercise.

In addition to drinking lemonade every day, she will also pair it with 15 minutes of exercise and a balanced diet. Image source: Visual China

In addition to drinking lemonade every day, she will also pair it with 15 minutes of exercise and a balanced diet. Image source: Visual China

After reading the cases of Korean celebrities using lemon water to lose weight, let’s turn the camera to China. Artist Zhao Wei also praised the efficacy of lemon water on her Weibo, and even said: “Lemon water is very powerful for scraping oil. Drinking too much will make you lose weight.” Paper Man”.

Artist Zhao Wei once praised the efficacy of lemonade on her Weibo. Source: Visual China

Artist Zhao Wei once praised the efficacy of lemonade on her Weibo. Source: Visual China

Warning: Although many people have successfully shoveled meat because of lemon water, the editor still wants to appeal. Not everyone is suitable for drinking lemon water, and drinking too much is not good for the body. For example, people with “gastroesophageal reflux” are not suitable for drinking lemonade on an empty stomach, because it is likely to cause irritation to the esophageal mucosa and make the discomfort worse. Therefore, for those who want to get up in the morning and drink lemonade to detoxify and eliminate stools, the editor recommends that you drink a glass of warm water to have a similar effect. Everyone should pay attention to your body.

How to make lemonade

First of all, some people think that soaking lemons directly will have a bitter taste, but adding honey will increase the calories. If you want to get rid of the bitter taste of lemons, you can wash the lemons first and put them in the freezer for two hours before taking them out. Then when you soak them into lemonade, they will not be so bitter. Furthermore, the recommended container is a glass bottle, avoiding the use of plastic or stainless steel to release harmful substances. Finally enter the main event, slice the lemon and brew it directly with warm water, but the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees to avoid destroying vitamin C.

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