The fastest way to burn fat with ginger, no matter how thick it is, it will disappear after 1 week

The fastest way to melt excess fat with thick ginger will disappear following 1 week, both simple and cheap and extremely effective.

Ginger is spicy, warm, referred to as the meridians and spleen), the stomach has the effect of dissolving welding, speaking, and loosening phlegm, often used to treat typhoid fever and stimulate digestion. In traditional medicine, depending on the preparation method, ginger becomes many different medicines. Especially ginger is also used to lose weight.

Ginger contains a hot substance, when in contact with the skin will generate heat. This heat generated accelerates the breakdown of fat, burning excess fat. In addition, in ginger, there are gingerol and shogaol substances that help promote fat breakdown faster. Gingerol can increase the pH of the stomach, reduce cholesterol in the body. In addition, it also has the effect of reducing fat and reducing belly fat effectively. Here we would like to reveal the fastest way to burn fat with ginger:

Ginger wine massage

The substance gingerol present in ginger essential oil will heat the abdomen, helping to reduce the local fat in the abdomen of women. Alcohol as a “conductor” of ginger essential oil penetrates the subcutaneous fat area, increasing the breakdown of fat here. At the same time, turmeric will help regenerate the skin, helping to reduce wrinkles.

-Every time I take a bath, I take a little ginger pulp and alcohol, I put it in my palm, then put it on my stomach and use my hand to hit it like a pendulum.

-Massage for 5-7 minutes daily, then wash off. Some people even massage the whole body because ginger wine will warm the body and warm the stomach. After bathing, take the whole ginger juice (do not take the pulp), rub the entire abdomen and then cover the abdomen. The effect will be doubled compared to just the waistband alone.

How to soak ginger wine to lose weight effectively


– 1 kg of fresh ginger

– 1 liter of white wine


– Ginger peeled, pounded, soaked with white wine in the ratio 1:1

– Can be used following 1 month.

How to massage belly with ginger wine to lose weight

– Prepare a massage solution including: 50ml of white wine, a little minced or smashed ginger. Drop the ginger into the wine, stir well and let it sit for 30 minutes for the ginger to soak into the wine.

– Apply the ginger wine mixture evenly on the entire abdomen and sides of the waist, patting the alcohol to penetrate the skin. At this time, the abdomen will feel warmer, the fatty tissue is broken down, that’s when the massage movements come into play.

– The first move, put your right hand on your left hand and rotate it in a circle from left to right regarding 5 times, then reverse.

– Next, make a tight fist and use your knuckles to move from the middle of the abdomen to the sides. We will start from the lower abdomen first, then slowly move up.

– For the sides of the waist, you should run your hands vertically down regarding 5 times. Note, put enough pressure on the skin so that the fat tissue is melted, so the massage is really effective.

– Continue to create a more defined waistline by opening the hand and squeezing it down as shown. The waist will become slim and have a noticeable tightening when you do this movement many times. Don’t forget to repeat the movement all the way up.



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