The Day Before prix en flagrant délire de plagiarism de Call of Duty, le scam confi

Nothing goes any more on the side of The Day Before which seems to chain the blunders in a vertiginous way. While the Fntastic studio is singled out for its questionable, even misleading communication since this unregistered trademark story, then causing an 8-month delay in the production of the game (no one is fooled), the studio has just been caught in the act of plagiarism. Internet users have indeed analyzed the last gameplay video of the game (the one of 10 minutes where absolutely nothing happens), and we found that the first images were taken almost shot by shot from the game Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War . We are obviously far from the tribute, as the covers are identical, even in terms of lighting and colorimetry. Inevitably, such a copy-paste to bring back old similarities already observed a few years ago, such as the font transplanted from The Last of Us, or even this screenshot which is none other than the exact replica of that of The Division. Difficult with so many accusations to bring credit to a project that looks more and more like a scam, a scam orchestrated by developers who are constantly casting doubt on their sincerity. We are now waiting for a reaction from the developers, which has certainly seen our tweet pass, which has already exceeded 1.2 million impressions in terms of reach.

The Day Before

The Day Before

The Day Before



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