The director of astronomical research reveals the truth about the end of the world and the sunrise from the west

Written by Ahmed Al-Jaafari

Monday, February 06, 2023 10:39 PM

Dr. Jad Muhammad Al-Qadi, Director of the National Institute for Astronomical Research, spoke, during an interview with Ahmed Al-Jaafari, on the “Tonight” program on “The Seventh Day” TV, about the study that indicated that the Earth’s core had stopped rotating, and it was published in a respected and prestigious scientific journal worthy of With respect, many axes of studies were opened between the different scientific schools.

Al-Qadi said: Before commenting on it, we must explain to the viewers the nature and composition of the earth’s sphere. some places.

He continued: There is the mantle layer, the thickness of which reaches more than 2000 km, it has a liquid layer and a solid layer, then the inner core of the Earth under study consists of two parts, and its thickness reaches more than 4000 km, the outer part is liquid and the inner part is solid, as a result of the Earth’s rotation around its axis in front of The sun is in constant rotation, and it is natural physically if there is a solid body inside a liquid body, and there is rotation, then the solid body will have rotation.

And he continued in his interview with “The Seventh Day TV”: So far, in many studies that have dealt with the composition of the Earth, but there is no study that says that the inner core of the Earth rotates in a specific direction at a specific speed and at some angle, and therefore we say that it will stop its rotation or rotate in the opposite direction, and this It is the part in which there is scientific debate and debate between scientific schools, on the outputs of the study that have been published, and therefore there is a scientific debate, related to the subject, if the validity of the study is proven.

He added: The effect of the movement of the Earth’s inner core on the Earth’s outer crust and life on it is negligible. The effect may be related to the Earth’s magnetic field, and in magnetic monitoring networks, and there are two observatories in Egypt that monitor around the clock, and we can see if there are major changes, and so far they have not It proves illogical changes, and therefore the results and recommendations reached by the study are still subject to discussion.

Linking this to the sunrise from its setting, has no basis in truth, and there is no relationship between the two, and from some time God created the earth and it revolves in its directions and the magnetic field in its details of the earth is known to all scientists and geophysicians in particular, and no catastrophic effects occurred to this story, with the exception of large earthquakes Which has nothing to do with the inner core of the Earth.

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Regarding the validity of the studies that talk about the end of the Earth, he says: If there is a scientific basis, then the study that said that the universe will end in 2012 is correct. Do not get carried away by what is said on social media platforms, and those interested in any natural phenomenon should contact the scientific institute responsible for that phenomenon, and they will find satisfactory answers.

He added: In the past period, especially at the time of the spread of the Corona virus, there were an infinite number of rumors, especially related to natural phenomena, and on one occasion I received a phone call from a virtuous, terrified lady, believing that the universe would end and that there would be an asteroid that would hit the Earth. My mother, this is not true.” I received more than 10 calls from her, and I was responding to her to reassure her, and I took her phone number, and the next day I called her and told her: “Something happened, my daughter.” Rumors that cause panic, as for the story of the end of the universe, it is one of the unseen things that God kept Glory be to Him for Himself, and there is no scientific evidence that says that the end of the universe in such-and-such day or such-and-such hour.

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