“Cry rubbish now”, the final message to the rugby players from the young woman who tried to revive Fernando Báez Sosa

Virginia Perez Antonelli It was the girl who performed CPR on him. Fernando Báez Sosa, when he was barely 17 years old. She was also one of the most important witnesses in the case that led to the conviction of the eight young people from Zárate this Monday.

Seeing Báez Sosa dying in the street, Virginia tried to revive him with CPR. Three years later, his testimony in the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) No. 1 of Dolores was key to the subsequent conviction of the attackers.

Today, when the sentence was already known, the young woman posted: “I don’t know what to say, I passed out twenty minutes ago.” And she noted: “Cry now garbage.”

Hours before, the girl had published a tweet asking for justice for Fernando: “After three years and a process of terror, Justice today has a crucial decision in its hands. There has to be a fair sentence following so much torture, so that in the heart of that family there is a bit of peace. Time is today”.

How was Virginia Pérez Antonelli’s statement

During the fourth day of the trial, one of the most emotional and raw moments of the hearings took place. Virginia described how she found Fernando’s body and recounted the resuscitation attempt that she carried out. In this regard, she described that she had noticed that He had a very strong blow to the face, on the left side. “When I took my hands off my head, I looked at them and they were full of blood,” said.

When they asked him regarding the resuscitation maneuvers that were carried out, he said that he saw a policeman “very nervous” to perform the procedure on him. «I saw that he was doing it hard and fast. ‘Stop, look at me and listen to me,’ I told him. And I told him the rhythm. ‘One Two Three Four Five…'”accurate.

In addition, out of court, she admitted that, while they were doing the maneuvers, she spoke to Fernando to try to keep him conscious, but he did not respond. “Stay with me, please stay with me”he said he told him.

«It was one of the Pertossi. He made a gesture with his mouth. That’s when I looked at him and told him that he was a son of a bitchVirginia recounted.

At that time, when leaving the hearing, Virginia also accused the defense of attacking and questioning her at all times during her statement. «It was very intense because it was a lot of attack. I knew from the outset that they were going to catch me on the side of ‘part of the fault was yours, because you did the CPR wrong and they moved it when they didn’t have to…’ . I already came with that idea that they were going to grab me from that side, “she exclaimed.

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