Trial of a farmer accused of murdering two people

Accused of murdering two men, for a dark story of selling tractors, a 33-year-old farmer from Sorens (FR) faces a sentence of up to life in prison (archives). KEYSTONE/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT sda-ats

This content was published on February 06, 2023 – 04:30


Accused of having murdered two men in March 2020, for a story of selling tractors, a 33-year-old farmer from Sorens (FR) is on trial this Monday until Wednesday before the Criminal Court of Gruyère. Judgment is expected on March 1.

Four shots fired, victims, two North Macedonians living for a long time in the canton of Vaud, a father and a son, aged 47 and 23 respectively, who tried to escape by crawling before being thrown into a manure pit: the prosecution’s indictment starkly sets the scene.

According to the psychiatric experts mentioned in the 13-page document, the defendant presents a completely normal profile. He was therefore perfectly aware of his actions at the time of committing them and the judges will grant him no reduction in responsibility when setting his sentence, which may go as far as life imprisonment.

No history

The individual nevertheless presents “emotional immaturity”, “altered self-esteem” and “impulsivity in the sense of a difficulty in apprehending the consequences of his actions”, or even “a lack of empathy and difficulties in express their emotions. But no personality disorder, the indictment says.

The farmer, who had never before distinguished himself by violent behavior, is warned of assassination, breach of the peace of the dead and fraud. The facts took place in the chalet de l’Obecca, on the heights of Marsens, but in the town of Sorens, in the region of Lake Gruyère.

The defendant had carefully prepared his case on March 24, 2020. The bodies of the victims were wrapped in a hay net weighted by means of a manhole cover. They bore wounds inflicted with a hunting rifle, but also traces of blows in the face with the barrel and the butt of the weapon.

No delivery

At the beginning of the followingnoon, following having organized the scene of the crime to come, the farmer had returned to the farm he managed with his father. In the evening, the two North Macedonians came to demand the delivery of three tractors that he had sold them or, failing that, the reimbursement of the 34,000 francs paid.

However, the defendant had no intention of delivering the machines, two of which did not even belong to him. Nor did he have the cash, spent on buying a horse for his friend, a vehicle for transporting the animal. And, centerpiece, a hunting rifle, called to be used for the crime.

Before going to the meeting place, the accused had placed the weapon, loaded, in his pick-up. In the prosecution, the family farm indebted to the tune of 1.5 million, he had also drawn up a false receipt stating that he had reimbursed 35,000 francs to his future victims and that they owed him 25,000 francs.

Quiet dinner

During the ambush, the defendant claims to have explained to the two North Macedonians that he no longer had their money. The father would have assaulted him by making threatening remarks towards his partner. This is where the Sorensois grabbed his weapon before firing. The son was still alive when he was plunged into the manure pit.

After his package, the farmer joined Sorens, where he ate quietly with his friend. The next day he worked normally. No witness heard during the investigation reported the slightest nervousness, especially when relatives of the victims came to his home to demand accountability.

The accused replied that they had not honored the appointment of the day before, even claiming to be their creditor. On the other hand, when the police rang at his door, already having a large body of clues, including the location of the victims’ mobile phones, he did not take long to confess his act.



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