Arthur Honegger ends up in the hospital after a snowboard accident

“10 to 10” moderator

Arthur Honegger ends up in the hospital following a snowboard accident

“10 to 10” presenter Arthur Honegger loves skating and snowboarding. Now he had an accident while jumping in the halfpipe and had to go to the hospital.


After a snowboarding accident, Arthur Honegger reports to his fans on Instagram from the hospital.


  • SRF presenter Arthur Honegger has a passion for skating and snowboarding.

  • He has now had an accident in the halfpipe and injured his knee, as he reveals on Instagram with a hospital photo.

  • It has no effect on his “10 to 10” moderation, says the 44-year-old in the comments.

He loves the board – it doesn’t matter whether it’s a skate or a snowboard. Main thing, “10 to 10” moderator Arthur Honegger can pull off daring stunts. Now, however, a trip to the halfpipe had unpleasant consequences for the 44-year-old: “I fell the other day and injured my knee, so I can’t drive for a while now,” he writes on Instagram, adding a crying emoji to the words.

The accompanying pictures first show the man from Graubünden at a dizzy height during a jump and then in a hospital shirt. Apparently he tried the “Frontside Air” jump, but ended up on the MRI instead of on his feet. In his post he continues: “Snowboarding is fun, but it also involves risks.” At the same time he appeals to his followers. His post is also “a friendly reminder to everyone to be careful”. Despite everything, he promises in the hashtags that he wants to return quickly.

Here the Graubünden native shows his snowboarding and skateboarding skills on Instagram.


It has no effect on his work in front of the camera, as a look at the comments reveals. A fan wants to know if he has to sit in the “10 to 10” studio during the moderation. Honegger answers self-deprecatingly: “It’s okay, just no jumps.” There are also countless get well wishes. SRF-3 presenter Judith Wernli (49) writes: «Oh, no! Very good and quick recovery!» Olympic participant David Hablützel (26) reports from the snowboard profession and wishes “good luck”. “Get well soon,” says singer Patric Scott (37).

Arthur Honegger passes his passion for snowboarding on to his son

The passion for board sports obviously runs in the family. The TV man, who was also an SRF correspondent in New York and Washington DC for a time, has also posted videos of his then four-year-old son Aatos skillfully doing his first snowboard tricks in the past. He wrote boastfully: “‘Four-year-olds can’t snowboard!’ They said in kindergarten. My son can give the answer with this video.”

This also amazed his fans. “I think that’s pretty impressive,” writes one. “Wow, just the dad,” another. “Where does he have this courage from?” asks a user, completely overwhelmed. Aatos is now eight years old. Honegger also has a daughter: Amélie (11).

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