what crimes are charged and what sentences could rugbiers receive tomorrow

After 15 hearings, where 87 witnesses passed, the trial for the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa tomorrow to an end. As of 1:00 p.m., the Oral Criminal Court No. 1 of Dolores will announce the verdict for the eight defendants. Like the allegations of the Prosecutor’s Office and the complaint and defense, The event will be broadcast live. What is expected from the complaint, what are the sentences they could receive and what the prison would be like where they would serve the sentence.

Silvino Báez and Graciela Sosa, Fernando’s parents, reiterated this week that they expect “That Justice be exemplary” and that a “life sentence for all” be applied to the accused. However, it is not yet defined if the ruling will be condemnatory and if all the defendants would receive the same qualification, but there is a hypothesis.

The verdict: between which orders should judges fit the crime

Enter here absolution and the life in prison for doubly aggravated murder due to treachery and premeditated competition of two or more people, there is a range of options: homicide in a fight (two to six years in prison), felony (three to six) and simple with eventual intent (8 to 25) are those listed by Hugo Tomei in the allegations of Thursday, January 26.

And nnone of the latter options involves the intent to kill: fraud may be the key to understanding the case. The judges María Claudia Castro, Christian Ariel Rabaia and Emiliano Javier Lázzari they can frame the crime within the aforementioned typifications or propose others.

Regarding what will happen tomorrow, several different things were said: that there could only be the verdict -the declaration of guilt or innocence- and not the sentences, for example, since the judge referred, at the closing of the allegations, to a “possible” judgment.

This word gave rise to different interpretations, if he said it because the sentences could be on that same day or not, or if he simply said it so as not to advance the Court’s decision. The judges are very secretive about their steps. The most feasible thing is that this Monday both the verdict and the sentences will be knownand that days later the foundations of the decision, which will surely be very extensive, be made known through the website of the Supreme Court.

“Once the ruling is issued, the parties have 20 days to resort to Cassation. After Cassation (the case) it goes to the Court of the province and then to the Court of Nation. Already in the allegations they made a reservation to appeal to the Nation: (Fernando) Burlando at one point named article 14 of law 48″, detailed official sources.

More than 2 million people followed the debate on YouTube. Exactly, 2,153,891. What was broadcast was the first day, the guidelines – on January 2 – and the allegations on January 25 and 26. The residence time marked, on average, between 19 minutes and half an hour for each user. The verdict will also be broadcast on that channel.

For tomorrow, from the Judiciary they are evaluating authorization for the entry of a television camera that would feed the signals that request it.

In terms of security an operation was ordered that includes the interruption of pedestrian and vehicular traffic at different intersections streets from 6 o’clock and the population was asked to postpone banking, judicial and administrative procedures if possible.

It is probable that, in addition, the fence surrounding the Palace of Courts will be strengthened. During the allegations the entire block was fenced off, from corner to corner. The device was strengthened after the evidence stage, after the incidents of the last hearing of that part of the process, and for Monday this would be even more accentuated.

Graciela Sosa and the expectation placed on the verdict: “I fully trust that justice will be done for Fernando”

Graciela Sosa and Silvino Báez witnessed the entire trial. She withdrew from the room on several occasions when she did not tolerate what she was seeing or hearing.. This week they had little contact with the media, in contrast to how hectic the hearing days were for them, in which they always made statements.

“We are waiting for it to be a exemplary justice. I can’t deny that I’m a little scared but I fully trust that justice will be done for Fernando. This is what we hope for because of the way in which my son was murdered, there can be no other justice that is not perpetual for everyone. Everyone had a part, they ambushed him, no one could defend him,” Graciela said in statements to Radio Diez on January 30. The fear she feels stems from the fact that she met with families “who went through the same thing” and who did not get justice.

Fernando’s mother said she was “very satisfied” with the allegations Complaint and Prosecutor’s Office, who agreed on the request for life for the eight defendants. About the last words of the young people repeated what they had said when leaving the courts: they did not believe their apology.

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He felt that it was a “studied” scene and that everyone was saying the same thing. She regretted, in turn, that they didn’t even look at her “head on.” When she spoke in the audience room that Thursday the 26th, at the beginning of the day, her speech was shocking: cHe said that during the trial he had been encouraged to watch the videos of the attack for the first time, and that he wanted to throw himself on his son’s body to defend him. He repeated this image in the radio statements this week, in advance of the verdict.

Graciela hopes that the sentence will mark “a before and after for Argentine society” at a time when violence between young people does not stop. To herself, she wants it to bring some “peace and calm” to her “heart of her”; and that Fernando “rest in peace.” She believes that the trial is over “doing a good deed” could “calm” the pain that she and Silvino will feel “all their lives.”

What will be the fate of the defendants before a possible conviction?

Máximo Thomsen (23), Enzo Comelli (22), Matías Benicelli (23), Blas Cinalli (21), Ayrton Viollaz (23) and Luciano (21), Ciro (22) and Lucas Pertossi (23) are currently staying at the Unit 6 of Dolores from January 1 to be close to the courts where the trial takes place. During every Wednesday of the month, including the one that passed, they were visited by their families in the prison located a few blocks from the courtroom. Up there was also, on several occasions, Tomei.

Before being housed in Dolores, the eight served preventive detention in the Mayor of Melchor Romero (The Silver). Although it has not yet been confirmed if they would return to that place after a possible conviction or if another place of detention would be designated for them, it is a matter that worries the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service: For three years they have been isolated from the rest of the prison population due to the possibility of being attacked. For this reason they do not even participate in activities offered by the prisons.

The subject -the conditions of detention- appeared in Tomei’s speech in his allegations: “With his insults (Fernando Burlando) he managed to are locked up 21 hours a day in tiny cells. He has also said through the media that he had communicated with his friend, the Minister of Justice Julio Alak, so that the conditions are not good (…) We do not know where to defend ourselves. Because it is not about serving a prison sentence in dignified conditions, Rather, it is torture, inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment (…)”.

This Saturday, in dialogue with TN, Fernando Burlando said that the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service “has to guarantee their health and life.” «This situation of having taken care of them so much was not good. They didn’t learn anything in jail. It would have done them good to rub shoulders with the prison population, to know what their fate might be.“Considered the plaintiff lawyer.

as he could published Page 12, the fate of the defendants will depend on the sentence they receive if found guilty. “The decision will surely be agreed between the judges and authorities of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service,” added the sources consulted.

Possibly the defense intends that they be transferred to the Campana Penitentiary Complexby proximity to their families, who live in Zárate, “But there are several issues to consider: ensuring physical integrity and quota in penalties”. It is not defined, either, whether they would be referred to different units or, as has been the case up to now, they would share a flag. Of course, this also depends on the decision that the court communicates this Monday and the penalties that it establishes.

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